
Are light bulbs recyclable?

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What is the best thing to do with an old light bulb?




  1. It depends on the type of light bulb.  If it's Compact Fluorescent you need to recycle it.  If it's incandescent  it's OK to throw in the trash.  Right now, there's no recycling program for incandescent bulbs.

  2. YES! Many people don't realize it but both compact fluorecent bulbs and incandecent bulbs really should be recycled. Almost every local town transfer station has a spot for compact fluorecent (if your trash gets picked up call your local waste managment service to see where you should place your CFLs). Some towns have incandecent recycling as well... however, since it can be expensive (in my area up to 30 cents a bulb) there are not always programs. You can find drop off spots though.. once again this is a question for local waste management.

    WHATEVER YOU DO! DO NOT THROW OUT CFL's or INCANDECENT BULBS... CFLs contain mercury while incandecent bulbs contain led!

    Hope this helps,


  3. I'm not sure if they are recyclable but they should NOT be thrown in the regular trash!  They should be taken to your local Household Hazardous Waste site. Check your local trash authority's website for complete lists and locations. Some have permanent locations and other do "roundup" days.

    Many artists are re-using them. One sets them into sculptures and the sculpture is lit from within by a CFL. Another retrofits them to make vases.

  4. No

    Just throw them in with the regular trash.

    REcycling has actually shown to use more energy then it saves. So from now on just put all trash together,. Remember if the waste company wants to recycle they will separate it anyway at a far cheaper costs while at the same time with less energy consumption.

    So from now on let's save the earth and do not recycle

    Recycling may make you feel good but it hurts the Earth. .

  5. I recycle a lot, and I think you throw incandescent (regular) light bumbs in the trash to dispose of them.

  6. no.bulbs contain mercury in them.and also they r so thin to recycle

  7. you put different colours in differnt bulbs and use them as decoration items in birth day parties etc.,I think that they are not recyclable

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