
Are lionhead rabbits good pets

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cuz im planning to buy one of those a my first pet rabbit

p.s.pls give some advise for caring for it if you could




  1. All types of rabbits can make good pets if they are cared for properly. Each bunny will have its own personality, just like people. I would search out the personality that you desire first and not a particular breed, especially if it is your first bunny. Visit an animal shelter that saves rabbits. They will be able to tell you all about each rabbit's personality since they spend a great deal of time caring for them as opposed to the pet store where they are confined to a cage and get little to no attention.

    Some great information on keeping rabbits can be found at I suggest you read through that site and make sure you are prepared to care for a bunny, since they are a lot of work and a big responsibility (but it is worth it).

    Be prepared to give them proper housing and space to run around outside of a cage, the correct food (pellets, hay, veggies), water, toys, attention, and vet care. Make sure that a rabbit is the right pet for you by researching it before buying one.

  2. They are so cute!

    I have a netherland dwarf.

    Smaller rabbits are much more hyper than larger rabbits, and some people arent really expecting that.

    As in hyper, they are really playful but can get aggersive.

    They are also kind of sensitive so you might not want any small children around the rabbit.

    Just remeber to feed him/her fresh hay (timothy) pellets and water everyday, and clean their cages atleast once a week. (they can start to smell!)

    I let my bunny play for atleast 3 hours out of his cage everyday.. and sometimes even 10+ hours. You can also get a rabbit harness and leash so you can play with them outside. Just be careful!!

    Rabbits can be litter traded.. but it takes practice! So be patient because they do have acidents. Usally when I bring my rabbit to a new room or somewhere he isnt used to he might pee on something, so try to notice some sings that might indicate your rabbit is doing that (my rabbit digs before he goes) Just incase you are worried about messes.

    Rabbits chew, dig and play on everything! So be prepared!!

    Give them lots of chewing toys because their teeth never stop growing!

    Good luck!!!


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