
Are little kids honest and bias towards ugly people?

by Guest59818  |  earlier

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To collect donations for a class trip we were going to paint little kids faces. But I'm afraid too because the kids might not come to me to do their faces because they might find be ugly! And will only want to go to the pretty students! And that they might just start crying if I do it! I've been told by a lot of people that I'm ugly! So I'm afraid that I might get embarrased if a little kid say something like this

"Mommy I want to go to that girl because she's pretty!"

And it would hurt my feelings if that happens. I won't be able to show my face again! So do you thing that would happen or should I just not do it? Be honest please!




  1. lol their kids. Dont wrry about it that much.

  2. Well, what ages? Some kids dont do that but some kids do. Send a pic i will tell you if youre ugly straight from the heart the truth. I doubt you are ugly just send a pic. Be nice to the kids and they will be nice too.

  3. You shouldn't worry about how to look, kids love fun and outgoing people who make them laugh.

  4. truthfully, they prefer pretty people and thats always been that way. but thats why those girls with plain faces have to learn to focus on other things rather than the outside. unfortuately, guys don't think that way until they are like, 30, but that's a different issue

  5. I wouldn't worry about it.. they are little kids. They are honest with everyone.  

  6. Low self esteem, much?

  7. I think if you are outgoing and happy and fun the kids will be drawn to that.  I think that maybe you're not ugly, you're just around a bunch of mean people.  I think you should do it.  If you go and you act all withdrawn and self conscious then kids won't come to you and you'll think it's because you're ugly, but it will really just be because the kids want to be around somebody that's fun.

    good luck!

  8. Truthfully, a lot of little kids are painfully honest. They just don't know what's rude and what's not. Whatever they think just comes right out of their mouth. When I was two years old I saw some overweight woman in the grocery store and shouted, "that woman's big!" I wasn't trying to be rude. I just didn't know any better.

    But you probably aren't as ugly as you think you are so don't worry.

  9. Paris Hilton is ugly.

    Ugliness, like beauty, is born inside the person.

  10. Honestly, I don't think young children notice too much.

    They are too young to truly have a grasp on beauty.

    So just stay confident. If you are kind and welcoming, you will do just fine. :)

    If anything like what you described possibly happens, don't listen to them. They're little kids anyway, and you are much more intelligent than they are.

    Good luck!

  11. NO OFFENCE, but you gotta grow up and do it.

    Jus dont let it get to you cause you might have lots of friends.

  12. You are beautiful.

  13. I doubt they will care, little kids don't really judge based on looks like adults do  

  14. First off Im ugly too ... But life goes on! Anyhow you know you best.Little kids can be sweet but yes they can be brutally honest too. You know yourself best. Can you handle that this might happen in front of others? You have to remember you are going to be with people that know you... Hopefully they are mature enough to ignore or redirect a child's honesty if it happens.

    See if you can muster the courage to go... Try to be happy that day. Fake it to you make it ! ( if you know what I mean)  I am  a lot older than you and I have been told I am ugly throughout my life. I have missed out on lot's ... See if you can go and have a good time.

  15. you tell me...

  16. i think that little kids tell it as it is kids opinions are not based on scociety or anything they are mostly based on the natural way of human thinking they arent bias toward anyone and i dont think that they care if your ugly buuuuuut little kids dont kno any better if you hav a big nose (not saying that you do) then they might tell you they dont hold anything back because they havent learned yet. if i were you i would go and paint the kids faces and who really cares wat a bunch of 5 year olds think anyway its no big deal if they think your ugly cuz ull never even see them again just remember the people you want to be around shouldnt see beauty from the outside they should see it from the inside

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