
Are llamas effected by Global Warming?

by  |  earlier

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i have this little project and part of it is writing how llamas are affected by GW. i need either a reason or a web that can help. No answers saying "do it urself"please.




  1. Llamas live primarily near mountainous regions (tell me if I'm wrong). And some of these mountains are snowcapped, and that snow will melt, the llamas may have an easier time finding drinking water in the water running down mountains. Also temperatures will be very comfortable for them. Normally it's cold on the peaks of mountains, but it may get warmer, luckily for them.

  2. This is INSANE! Is it even possible to do ANY science report today without discussing how it is connected to global warming?

  3. global warming is a myth

  4. Yes, this video is solid evidence of the effect global warming will have on llamas

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