
Are local grocers cheaper than supermarkets?

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I'm based in London, UK.




  1. Yes they are. On most things they are about between 5 to 15 cents cheaper on most things.

  2. here... in the usa they are.. if you live out of the city

  3. Yes. They are cheper but.... talk about higene? or quality? or even worse, customer service?

    It's your decision buddy.

  4. generally yes, but it depends on what... if you are looking for local produce, meat, etc. then most definitely, but for the novelties you get at the grocery store, your "brand name" things, it is best just to get at a regular grocery store... because usually small stores don't have enough money to buy in bulk, and end up charging customers more for those things, because they have to pay more.... hope i helped :)

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