
Are long distance relationships good?

by Guest66904  |  earlier

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I transfered and left some i really care about behind. ANd dont know what to do???




  1. no. Give up.

  2. They can work out but you'll both have to lots of commuting and keeping in touch and staying busy while you're apart. The thing to ask yourself is if you will EVENTUALLY not be separated by so much space or if it's always going to be like that.

  3. i was in a long distance relationship once..i found it easy hard at times yes,it put ur commitment to each other at a test it up 2 both of u if u choose to let one do all the wrk to keep the relationship strong but apart from that i loved it because ''absence do mk the heart grow funder''

    all the best


  4. They're bad.

    If it's meant to be, pick off where you left off after college or when you have more time.

  5. it depends on how much you're willing to put in the relationship. if guys really care about each other, it will work out. you're going to miss your person so stay in contact with each other. with each day, you begin to feel okay with it  

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