
Are lottery's worth it?

by Guest33335  |  earlier

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after witnessing a coworker's father in law win 10 million dollars this weekend in a lottery, it makes me wonder whether or not i should be buying tickets. part of me says its a waste of money while another part of me thinks i'll never know if i dont try - although now that someone i know has hit it big - i feel the chances are slim to winning a jackpot. gambling is silly to me but i'll occasionally spend a few dollars on scratch tickets for fun. when i get the urge to do that, should i be throwing those few dollars into a draw lottery instead of scratch tickets?




  1. bet on something with a chance not the lotto

  2. i would think so, you'll never won enough on the scratchies if you do win. At least there is that chance in the lotteries

  3. Only play when the prize is high............ my grandfather and father are so addicted..... together they have probably lost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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