
Are mahatma Gandhi's thoughts not relevant in today's india?

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Are mahatma Gandhi's thoughts not relevant in today's india?




  1. Not as much, but he is still remembered:

    Mahatma Ghandi walked barefoot everywhere, to the point that his feet

    became quite thick and hard. He also was quite a spiritual person.

    Even when he was not on a hunger strike, he did not eat much and

    became quite thin and frail. Furthermore, due to his diet, he had extra bad



    He came to be known as a: super calloused fragile mystic

    with extra halitosis."

  2. yes, because today's india is differentand reached a hihg level  so people think that they our the best

  3.            Gandhi idelogy is irrespective of time and generations and is relevent at any time.His idealogy is nothing but truth,non violence and getting things done in non ooperative way.Do you think non violene is irrelevent to today's india where people are scared with terrorism in every part of the country?and truth is more relevent in market driven economic india.

            Eventually Gandhism is relevent at any time and what we required to follow gandhigiri is little bit of patience

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