
Are maid of honor speeches supposed to be funny?

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I just finished my maid of honor speech for my best friend's wedding next month and I read it to my husband. He said the speech was supposed to be funny and that because it wasn't, it was a little boring. I thought it was supposed to be from the heart and didn't have to be funny if I didn't want it to be. What do people do for these kinds of speeches?




  1. I dont think it should be funny ,you're supposed to be saying things from your heart !Make it short and sweet and you'll be fine.

  2. hope this helps

  3. It doesn't have to be funny, just short and from the maid of honor made hers a little funny

    my matron of honor made hers tried and true

    the best man was ridiculously funny

  4. I don't think it needs to be funny.  Just don't make it too long and as long as it's from the heart, you'll be fine.

  5. Well i was the maid of honor for my sisters wedding.

    and not necessarily... Usually when it comes from the

    heart there's always something that you could think

    of that gives people that little giggle. But, nothing more

    then a few laughs here and there. some cute, short, simple

    and, loving is all it takes. So, don't stress if it's not funny. But, if your going for a classier route, stick to the basic truth. Otherwise, if your going for the more entertaining route. Then i suggest throw a couple of laughs here and there.. That's what i did. It's just personal preference.

    Hope i helped,

  6. Nah, it doesn't *have* to be funny.  If you had a funny story (that wouldn't embarrass them) about the couple put that in, but otherwise just speak from your heart and like everyone else said - 3 minutes MAX!!

  7. I think it is entirely dependent on the situation your relation to the bride etc.  A heartfelt speech will be more memorable and stuff.  

    -you know why they usually don't let guys be maid of honor?

    ya you guessed it sometimes we just don't get it.

  8. First there is no traditional Maid of Honor speech.  When you do speak it should come from the heart.  If you are a naturally funny person as some are then it will be funny but to write out and memorize a speech and then try to be funny with it is going to come off stilted and false and you probably will not remember it all well enough to gvie a good delivery.  Much better to stick to what you know and who you are. Tell you friend how happy you are that she has found someone and how happy you are for the joy they have found.  No more need be said.  There is no tradition of there being anything funny about any speeches, not that they can't be but there is no necessity, true feelings are better than false forced humor.

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