
Are male surgeons better than female surgeons?

by Guest32167  |  earlier

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I think males have more potential to be surgeons then females do.

They have more strength and courage.

Never heard about much female surgeons.

what do you think?




  1. Why?  The only reason I think there are more male surgeons is inherent lingering sexism (systematic and cultural) and "male ambition" (which is usually overblown as an apology for sexism anyway).

    I don't know why you would need "strength" and "courage."  I'd rather have "compassion" and "fine motor skills" from my surgeon, which women generally outperform men on.

  2. I somewhat disagree.  In terms of thoroughness and effort, women will always be better.  They care more; it's just a fact.  In terms of manual dexterity and fine motor skills, I think men and women are equal, no differences.  The big difference comes in terms of the way men and women handle stress.  Many, many women cannot or do not want to handle the emotional stress of being a surgeon.  This is the male advantage.  HOWEVER, those few women who CAN handle the stress have the opportunity to be as good or better than their male counterparts.

  3. I dont think you can make an over all judgement of which s*x is better at being a doctor......its like which s*x is better at riding a bike some are better at it than others

  4. Maybe

  5. One could argue a million different points of view.  It has very little to do with motor skills, courage, especially sexism (many med schools encourage minorities and women to apply), ect. It just has to do with the field of study and career choice.

    Simple counter example: Why does it seem that most teachers are women? Its not because men are bad teachers. (stat: Roughly 80 percent of teachers in U.S. public schools are women)

    In 2006 physicians were about 72% male, thus only 28% were female.  Also regarding the field, in 2008 the field  Pediatrics consisted of 70% female.  And to go back to your question, women only consist of 27% of general surgery.

    Throughout history women have generally been a minority in medicine.

  6. well guys might have more strength but girls are still qualified.

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