
Are many Dem's/liberals secretly afraid of a strong conservative women?

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you would think many of them would be happy that a women is on the Republican ticket for the first time...making history...but instead what do we get from the left...




  1. doesn't matter if the candidate is man or woman, just what the person will do for the country.  in this case, the woman running for VP is psycho.

  2. h**l know it's the republicans who are afraid of a strong women and has been since Hillary Clinton and now Mechelle Obama  you don't get any stronger than these two Democrats. Palin was chosen out of lack of good judgment by mccain who are desperate on drawing in hillary supporter which want work . lol

    OBAMA /BIDEN 2008

  3.   The same can be said for the right.  A strong black man and the right only attacks him.  Even Bush had the nerve to attack him after s******g up the country.  Bush is a divider.  He is the worst president ever and now his backers are behind McCain.  That says allot.

  4. We are mostly scarred of wimps like McMunckin and the beauty queen.

  5. They are terrified that a woman who does not share their political agenda will be elected VP.

    We should start the Committee to Elect Palin President in 2016 now.  

  6. I think I would be happy if someone more qualified were on the ticket. I am not buying this executive experience huff. It makes me angry. I am an evangelical Christian and by all accounts pretty conservative.

    Why am I the only person in my church community whose sees the problems with Palin??

  7. she is going to ban birth control

    i think thats scary enough for everyone not just a liberal.

  8. I am a strong liberal woman and am so NOT afraid of a conservative woman or man. Gender, race, doesn't matter. I'm not scared.  

  9. I question your use of the term, secret.  There is no secret.  It is quite obvious to everyone that Democrats are terrified.

  10. NOPE!

    The poor excuse for a mother the Repubes have as a VP is an embarrassment to mothers and women all over the country!

  11. Obviously so, why else would they be trashing a 17 year old girl.

  12. I would admire an EDUCATED and dedicated conservative woman---NOT a ex-beauty queen with a bachelors in JOURNALISM...who abandons her infant 4 days after its birth (who also recklessly flew & drove for many hours after her fluid broke putting her special needs FETUS at even MORE risk)---and now her teen....who is under ETHICS INVESTIGATION.......

    she is an insult to true conservative woman of the party.

  13. No they aren't.

    Now explain why Repubs hate black and didn't nominate a black person as VP?

  14. Terrified. Why do you think they're liberal? They're unattractive.

    I like the addition, fmko. "The Atheist doesn't know?" I sure do know.

  15. Dems/Liberals are afraid of women period.  Why wouldn't they side by Hillary or at least pick her as VP to run with Obama?

    McCain / Palin '08!

  16. Every single one.  Palin didn't get where she is by hanging on her husband's coat tails so she doesn't count.  

  17. No we are not afraid of either one of them.


  18. No, we are not afraid.

    Women with intelligence will never vote for an anti-choice homophobic creationist nut job.  

  19. They don't seem to be secretive about how low their non-sensible attacks go, at least not here on Yahoo. I think they are just jealous they don't have a woman on their ticket, when they had the chance.

    Ouch! That's got to hurt!  

  20. They're terrified. They only like women and blacks if they're liberal. Look at the way they treat Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas etc...liberals are evil people.

  21. they are afraid, period.

  22. We aren't.  We just have to seriously wonder about a VP candidate who says "What exactly is it that the Vice President does every day?"

    Wow, and you guys say that Obama is inexperienced...

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