
Are many guys afraid of modern women?

by  |  earlier

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I know I am at some level....




  1. nope

  2. all people are meant to love each other. Why would someone scare someone else and gets scared of someone else? Just love and cooperate with one another. Your question would make sense only if the two genders compete against each other.

  3. Naw. Not one bit.

  4. Afraid of what? Nope. Women don't scare me.

  5. I've asked many of my male friends this. Men are not afraid of women, they are afraid that a woman will make false allegations against them.

    Men are, rightfully so, afraid of the damage that feminists have created to our society.

  6. dont know about the majority, but from my mates id say no and im certialny not

  7. no, just sick of their princess, lack of responsibility, i can shoot my mouth off without consequence attitudes. Not to mention their shallowness

    They are discusting.


    Again I see first class's answer fit her name

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