
Are me and the guy a good zodiac sign match?

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im a gemini and the guy i like is a Pisces, will those to work in a relationship and last?




  1. Gemini + Pisces

    Air + Water = Rain

    Gemini and Pisces are at right angles in the zodiac and therefore challenge each other in terms of overall compatibility. The elements of air and water are quite different. Air relates to the mind, and water has to do with emotions — this gives you a hint about the focus of your activity and how well you’re likely to get on.

    Pisces experiences life in a more intuitive and instinctive way than you. They are into the not so concrete. They make decisions based on their gut feelings. You, on the other hand, need tangible proof before you will accept things. You may not see the sense in the way Pisces makes decisions.

    Both of you change your views as easily — and as often — as you change your clothes, and both of you look for variety and excitement in life. However, you are motivated by different things. Each day will be an adventure when you’re together, but it will be full of downs as well as ups.

    The way you experience love is poles apart. Gemini, you like to use your mind in your dealings with others. Pisces won’t necessarily shy away from social banter or other people’s company, but tends to be more focused on being receptive, and to communicate on a subtler level.

    If you want to bond deeply with Pisces, you’ll need to show them that you understand the deeper aspects of life. Pisces needs to know that you are not completely superficial — initially they may feel you are far too scattered or worldly for them.

    Be sensitive to the more receptive side of Pisces and prove to them that you are not all froth and bubble. This means sometimes being silent when you’re together. Doing this will gain the respect of Pisces — and you may learn a little about what lies beneath your conscious (and sometimes chattering) mind.

    Pisces born between 19 February and 28 February are the most idealistic, spiritually — if you give them the chance, they will zoom your imagination out beyond your wildest dreams. They are very gifted psychically too. If you can tune your minds together, in sync, you will know each other’s thoughts and feelings.

    Pisces born from 1 March to 10 March are highly emotional and volatile, and are probably a little harder for you to connect with — this is because the Moon and Cancer have sway over them. They are extremely sensitive, so you must constantly monitor what you say and how you say it. They are easily offended.

    If it’s passion you’re after, and plenty of it, you’ll do well with those born between 11 March and 20 March, as Scorpio co-presides over their hearts. Lovemaking will be great with this lot, but expect some fierce intellectual competition from them as well — you could have some thrilling, but edgy, conversations.

  2. gemini is mutable air and pisces is mutable water.. wow nice match.. im gemini too.. i'm with a libra.. she should try dating a libra.. its awesome. libra is cardinal air.. we get along fine we talk about anything and everything,.. anyways.. click on this site.. good luck

  3. NO!! Run for your life!

  4. Gemini and Pisces love compatibility

    The passion quotient is high, and so are the problems. The Pisces are too emotional for Gemini. Emotional Pisces for his/her turn is too easily hurt by thoughtless Gemini. Gemini is mischievous and playful, but Pisces is sensitive and takes things to heart. It creates an atmosphere of suspiciousness and mistrust. There can be a feeling of flame between them but the instability in their relations will destroy connection as a result. This is a rather risky connection and unhappy marriage.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

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