
Are men PHYSIOLOGICALLY & GENETICALLY predisposed to cheating?

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I saw a program on Discovery that explained that mammals with larger testicles are MORE likely to be infidels than mammals with small testicles, INCLUDING HUMANS!!

Human male testicles are moderately sized compared to other mammals.

Could that mean that men are predisposed to cheating? Wouldn't that also mean that fidelity is a CULTURAL expectation and infidelity is "natural"?




  1. i feel as though most men cheat. although there are women who cheat also but from what i see and hear men think about s*x a lot more than women do and for some reason most men cant turn down s*x from a pretty women.

  2. Most so-called scientific discoveries aren't!  Remember the rules for science?  Hypothesis through proof?  Most so-called scientists work backwards, trying to proof whatever they believe.

    Same with this; man is predisposed to be monagamous; females can have s*x indeffinitely while males are very limited, meaning if either s*x is predisposed to cheating, it is the female.

    s*x organs has nothing to do with it; likelihood of surviving does, but humans, supposedly, are ABOVE animals, even though Darwinists claim we are related to amaeba!

  3. Do not confuse ultimate genetic influence with proximate causes of behavior. Men may have a disposition to " roam ", but this is a description of behavior, not an endorsement. We have many behaviors that are human, buy proscribed by law, convention, or morality. I think Fidelity has evolutionary, ultimate roots, as humans are K selected organisms.

    Also, remember, behavior is normally distributed, so you get a wide variance here.

  4. I always thought it was the women who were predisposed to cheating and they don't even have testicles. h**l, eve lesbians cheat on eachother. People cheat. If you have a lot of experience with cheating men then look more cloesly at the reason you pick cheaters.

  5. i dont think the size of a man's testicles has anything to do with it. its how much testosterone he produces. the more he produces the more he wants to hump everything that moves.

  6. no  

       if a guy is hornie and he girl doesnt wanna do it then he might go out and find another women to do it so man can cheat but not really not addicted to cheatteing to hornie and cheats lol

  7. NO!

    Try, socially predisposed!

    Hope this helps!

  8. Women cheat all the time too, so you can just get off you're high horse.

  9. Men's job is to produce as much babies as they can to make sure they keep their blood line alive for a long time...

    They have a genetic predisposition to have s*x on their mind all the time for that purpose.

    Women, on the other hand, are meant to nurture, mother their youngs. Therefore not as predisposed to s*x.

    Women are more likely to cheat then men are. I can't remember why, but I got that info from a learning channel documentary.

  10. It's the truth that's why I've had to divorce 4 husbands. Then, on top of it after they cheat people think that she's not doing her job when really it's a character defect in that person.

  11. A human males genetic and inherent disposition is to mate with as many healthy females as possible to increase their chance to produce many healthy offspring and further their own genetics. it is only cultural issues that stop men from having multiple partners. Without these constraints we would have more of a pride-like society similar to lions. That being said we are also responsible for our actions and have choices always. It is in our nature to kill our opponents in this genetic race to but most of us would never think of doing such a thing. Life is all about choices and being better than just animals and our own animal nature :)

  12. Nature basically has males attempting to "win" in the reproduction battle, competing for the females, showing off, and otherwise trying to spread their seed.  Male dolphins will even kidnap a female and keep her away from other males to ensure they get the highest chance to breed.

    Add to that the fact that 1 male can typically impregnate multiple females, and in the animal world do so by shows of strength and dominance, yeah, I'd say infidelity is a pretty natural state.

    However, we're people.  While we may be mammals, we have conciousness, responsibility, and the most advanced society on this planet.  We have control over what we do and can have the ability to deny our instincts.

    Yes, I'm a male.  But I'm not an animal (in the human vs animal sense) and therefore do not cheat nor need to make excuses to make cheating "OK".

  13. Human Men are predisposed to procreate, not be that said, they really want to s***w as many women as possible, in thier lifetime to spread thier seed (progeny) and continue the circle of life.

  14. I don't know if this was God's plan or not, but a lot of highly regarded men in the Bible had lots of wives.  So long as you didn't steal the wife from someone else (David & Bathsheba), it seemed to be okay.

    But the Bible ends with "And the Spirit and the Bride say come."  One groom, one bride.  

    I know I have a very faithful man at my house.  He only wants me.  Infidelity would not be natural regardless of physiological & genetic predispositions.


  15. Yes,  the physiology of our bodies can influence our behavior, but humans are more complex living organisms.

    A human behaves in accordance to the values he holds to be truly good. Sadly, few of us (humans) take the time to examine the values we apply to the decisions of our life.

    For the many good men in the world, there is no excuses.

  16. Most of us are predisposed as in we find other women attractive.  Some of us have self restraint and morals and don't give in to every desire.  That is a cultural thing.  Physically we are sooo predisposed.

  17. yes to all three of your questions

  18. If you consider that we're animals, then yes. Male biological imperatives are to spread their DNA as far and wide as possible, with as many females as possible, to ensure continuation of their genes. It's quantity over quality.

    Females, on the other hand, have limited reproductive time and abilities, so they favor more the quality over quantity outlook. They're looking for the best, most fit mate to father their offspring.

    If you look at the animal kingdom, males rarely raise their offspring so they have limited resources invested in them. They can "spread the love" and keep on spreading. Females usually are the primary caregivers, and can invest years of their potential reproductive time rearing their young and teaching them the ways of their world.

  19. Well I guess all of the cheaters out there will now be measuring their testicles so they have a good excuse when they get caught

  20. do not believe the hype. we know that women can be just as much a cheater as men and they do not have testicles at all!!

  21. It's a good question, but all men don't have the same size testicles. More research should be done before making that conclusion and see if there is a connection to culture.

  22. I really feels like it is their up bringing. If his family teaches them to respect a relationship then they will know that it is wrong to cheat. I doubt that in the case of a human being it would have anything to do with the size of their testicles because human has intelligence which animals really don't tend to have.

  23. its a c**p shoot really.

  24. I think that most men are like dogs they both can smell a ***** in heat a mile away.

  25. First off, humans have always been the exception of its genetic coding, meaning what the person expereinces in their life time or their perspective determines their actions more than genetic codes that dictate reproduction. Also it would be interesting to note that it has been proven that the emotion Love is stronger than the emotion of lust (forgot my source just type it in google if you want confirmation)

    So the best answer is that while men are inclined to s***w as many female parttners as they can, if they fall in love they shall stay true to them, for as long as they love them.

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