
Are men a useless bunch?

by  |  earlier

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Ok...besides the obvious required for reproduction, are men really still needed for anything else? It seems women do all the work these days anyway.




  1. Feminist.

    Besides, where do you live?

    I do all the **** in my house.

    I take out the trash, do the dishes, I clean every single goddamn room in the house, I cook my own ******* meals.....

    I think this might be a question to just rouse some answers.

  2. Look under my Avatar, what do you think.

  3. ………………..,-~*’`¯lllllll`*~,

















  4. I'm starting to think you posted this question just to get some attention from men??

  5. /facepalm

    Typical blonde idiot.

  6. some are sweet but cant keep up sexually.

  7. Ok i think you need to re think that question because i know that most girls that read this will even think thats stupid. Stupidest thing i have ever heard.

  8. Are you effing kidding me?  

  9. yes, and women don't do ALL the work... I don't see very many women picking up trash or mining coal, or fighting on the front lines of a war zone,  not that we can't but why would we when we have them?

  10. Men are needed to create the safe regulated society's that allow women like you to realize your so-called success in.

  11. Not at all.

  12. No without men there would be no football =(

  13. you just haven't found the right man.

    mine actually does more than i do around the house. and he does it without complaining. he does most of the cooking, helps with the cleaning, does all of the yard work.

    he's a great guy and i'm lucky to have him.

  14. sorry nasrin u r wrong  

    we dont even need men for reproduction these days hehehehehe

    LOLL well put girl

    um and ur right some ppl are so uptight must be men having pms  

  15. some may  be  but certainly not all are.

  16. I think that's a big problem in society is men don't really take charge anymore. I think it would help society if they stepped up and took charge.

  17. No.

    And furthermore, my sweeping generalizations are more credible then yours on basis of me saying it alone.

    My personal experience is also indicative of the entire world's experiences.


  18. yeah of course ,not trying to be sexest but have you ever seen any women at the level of genius as albert einsten or atom newton on offense but women dont dedicate their lives to stuff like they i think its cuz most have to much to worry about lots of them are hard working

  19. uh, what are you talking about?

    are you mentally retarded?

  20. some men are useless, but so are some women, so its not ALL men just some.

  21. You are going to wind up alone, if you keep saying that to men you meet.

  22. Absolutely not. Think about it this way... if you can say that about men, can they not say that about women as well? No way can we all be useless!!!

  23. well till date i have seen noticed lives of two men closely my dad and brother and sorry to say both of them are useless it is me and mom who have to manage everything and a\have seen similar things around too.. so i go with you...

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