
Are men able to get a period?

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I am a 32 year old man who recently had unprotected s*x for the first time in his life. I am worried that this will somehow effect a male form of PMS that I keep hearing about. Is it possible that the sperm will trigger this male period? And if so, where will I bleed from?




  1. um.. unless you are able to give birth ,has a uterus, and fallopian tubes

    then no.....  

  2. Seeing as how you don't have a uterus, you won't bleed from anywhere. First of all male PMS isn't like a woman's period, it doesn't involve bleeding, cramping, bloating, etc. It just refers to when men get moodier, that's it. Second of all it isn't affected by protected or unprotected s*x, its just hormones. And you've been having a male period since you went into puberty.  

  3. ahahahahaha no

  4. uh, no.

    where the heck did you hear about this?

    someone was trying to get your goat cause they knew you are gullible.  

  5. no

  6. LMAO NO! congrats on ur first unprotected s*x! AKA natural s*x

  7. You're 32 and you don't know?

    Stand by for an edumakashun:

    Women are born with a certain number of eggs and when those run out, they can no longer get pregnant.  When a woman has her 'period', she is expelling an unfertilized egg.

    Men, at the onset of puberty, begin producing sperm and will continue to produce sperm, unless something drastic happens, until they die.  

    NOW do you see why men don't have 'periods'?

  8. Its not techically PMS as women get... its called BMS which stands for Being a Man... So?  Great question though...

    And you bleed from the heart...

  9. nop  

  10. all i can say is that it never happened to me, and i,am older then you.i think your safe in that area.

  11. are you for real?

  12. No, you will not get a male period. Because the female period is the result of the infertile egg alog with the uterus wall, and some blood flowing out of the v****a. You do not have a uterus or eggs, so you will not get a period.  

  13. Male periods are hormonal imbalances (they do not involve expulsion of anything from your body), which are caused by a problem of some sort or an outside source of female hormones. Even if you did get one, it would only make you a little grouchy, not really noticeable and very easy to cover up with an excuse. =]


  14. Umm...I'm a 39 year old woman, and to be brutal, "What cave have you been hiding in???"...Men do not have periods...if you are bleeding get your prostrate did you get to your age with that level of misinformation??? I'm gobsmacked...

  15. A period of stupidity, yes; when we are teenagers, but you may still be going through it, and you may be having a brain hemorrage.

  16. I aint believing this!  You musta been hiding under a rock for 32 years!

  17. hahahahaha dee de dee

  18. your 32 years old, you should know this. but hey what the h**l, yes. yes you can get a period when your a man.  

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