
Are men and boys all over the world being marginalised by the feminist insanity?

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Everywhere women seem to find support and special preferential treatment. Doesn't this make men and boys like second-class citizens?

In the US there are special women-only business grants and support.

In Britain the plan is to shut down all prisons for women so that only men can be jailed.

In Spain there is the idea of a gender-specific income tax, men pay more, women pay less.

In Norway the idea is to remove urinals from schools, as boys should not be allowed to do what girls cannot.

In Norway there are even gender-specific commercial laws giving preference to women. They MUST be employed, even in cases where their qualification is lower than those of men who apply for the same job.

Sweden allows females to offer prostitution to men but only the man will be punished. It is legal to sell s*x but illegal to buy s*x.




  1. hate to say it but now men are the ones that have to fight for our rights as women have fought for years now all they have to do is say hey that's not fair and congress says OK lets not p**s the women voters off and pass a bill to make it easier on them .

    so now its time for men to do the same thing and at the rate its going it may have to take a civil war LOL to change laws and rules so it equal for us all

  2. Uh, you think that no woman should ever be allowd to do anything but give birth and clean house, and you think MEN are being marginalized, and that thos who considr women to have equal rights are insane?


    There's LOTS of support for mens businsses (which are still mostly owed by men anyway) -- so your conclusion that no men get loans or grants is fals.

    Hadn't heard th prison plan, but givn your history of anti-reality thinking, I'd need som evidenc to think it tur.

    In Spain, women EARN less.

    Again, I'd hav to hav evidenc (reliable evidence -- get your mommy to explain that concept to you).

    No, men aren't b eing marginalizd; no, people who understand that women are human are not insane.

  3. well some of that stuff sure seem like it would not and could not be a fact but i just scouted it out and found actual news and headings on them and d**n..............ok i give you that dude you was right, wow wtf i guise this **** is spreading faster then i first thought. all i can say i i fill real sorry for my son who will be the one to pay the most for all these things because it will be his generation that will get hit the hardest.

  4. I almost didn't answer this question due to so much information clouding the real issue, which is civil rights.  Not race or gender specific at all.  Your take is curious - feminine insanity.  Is it possible that all the single mother households on  this planet are finally getting a few small breaks?

  5. If I was a woman, I would be embaressed by some of the things that were being done in my name. Particularly, if I had borne sons. Why aren't more moderate women shouting down the excesses of feminist zealots like Harridan Harman?

    I sometimes don't know whether to vent my anger against men for being too cowardly to do anything about it, or moderate women for choosing to accept the perceived benefits, regardless of the costs to society generally, they believe they get from feminist zealots.

    Your example regarding prostitution is typical of how the zealots have made a mockery of the law and common sense. Women have been turned into victims, when it is known that the vast majority have chosen to go into s*x trade. In reality, it is the male s*x drive that is being exploited. Men have the need, dictated by nature and not by choice, and the women take money off them for satisfying that need.

    Most of the examples you have listed shows just how far these zealots will go when there are no checks and balances to stop them. Inch and mile come to mind.

    Boys are definitely  second class citizens in the world of education, particularly Primary Schools, where the vast majority of teachers are female, and who pursue a feminist based educational agenda. God help the boys, particularly those from single parent homes where there is no father figure.

    Why doesn't Harman apply her quota concept to the prison population, where only ten per cent of the total are female? Are our laws biased against men? If it was the other way round, there would be an inquiry.

    So much more can be said about this situation, but isn't it, as some of us have always suspected, that the real intention of feminist zealots is to attack men. Achieving benefits for women, merely provides them with the excuse. It is obvious that they have more than achieved their goal, but still they march on into the realms of unreasonableness. The extreme lengths that some of them seem prepared to go to, suggests to me that they would be quite happy to exterminate men completely. Why? because they are driven by sheer insatiable spite. Something about their upbringing perhaps?

  6. for every £1 spent on male health EIGHT is spent on womens health despite the fact that men are more likely to die from all ten leading causes of death and live 7 years less the women (in the early 19th cent the gender gap was only 1 year)

    - Weight management: More men than women in the UK are overweight (67% of men compared to 57% of women) but men are much less likely to be offered help and support in weight loss programmes in GP surgeries. Analysis of 1256 patients across 58 GP practices in 2004 found that only 26% of those attending structured weight loss programmes at local surgeries were men, despite the service being - in theory - equally available to both sexes. Evidence suggests that men who are offered support lose weight as effectively as women.

    - Cancer: Men are almost twice as likely as women to die from virtually all the cancers that affect both sexes, mostly because of preventable causes such as smoking, poor diet and alcohol use. This suggests that local and national cancer prevention programmes are less effective with men than women.

    - Smoking: Smoking is the single most important preventable cause of heart disease and causes virtually all cases of lung cancer. Historically, men have always been much more likely to smoke than women and although numbers of smokers have declined among both sexes (and more sharply among men), it is still the case that men are more likely to be smokers (28% of men, 26% of women). NHS smoking cessation programmes are much less likely to succeed in attracting male participants. In 2002, only 98,000 men took part in NHS programmes compared with 130,000 women (i.e. only 43% of participants were men).

    - Use of Primary Care Services: Men are much less likely to visit their GP than women. Under the age of 45, men visit their GP only half as often as women. It is only in the elderly that the gap narrows significantly – and even then women see their GP measurably more frequently than men. A survey of men conducted by the Men’s Health Forum suggested that many men are unhappy with the service provided at their local GP surgery for reasons that are rectifiable: unhelpful opening hours; perceived emphasis on services for women and children; and undue bureaucracy.

    - Depression: although men and women suffer equally from depression, men are less likely to seek help, clinical diagnoses are skewed towards women and more men end up killing themselves, going missing and drinking heavily. What is required is a better understanding of male mental health, better training for clinicians, awareness-raising amongst men and more accessible services.

  7. Yeah...all those women and girls in the Sudan and in South Africa being raped, and all the women in Mexico being abducted and murdered, and all those women in Pakistan being murdered and disfigured for "honor."

    It's feminist madness...when will it stop?


    OK, we'll stick to your personal definition of the "world." In Spain, one woman a week dies at the hands of her domestic partner:

    Feminist madness strikes again!

  8. Unlike Tracey, I will stick to your stated question...and not throw a diversionary fact in the way...

    My answer is yes, there is great marginalizing going on some parts of the world, all for the cause of female 'equality'.  HA!  How can a group that is supposedly representing the values of equality allow for the kind of discrimination that is happening as a result of their own benefit?  

    Once again - the hypocricy boggles the mind...

    Yes, there is oppression happening to women all over the world - but they are now CAUSING oppression!  

    As for violence against women....yes, its a problem.  But how bout we just discuss violence in general, rather than focussing only on one brand of it....that limits the mind's ability to grasp the bigger picture, and it makes it so much more difficult to resolve...

  9. "Tracey, you are being intentionally obtuse, evasive, and diversive. As you well know we are discussing Europe and the US not Mexico, Sudan, or elsewhere."

    Lol! You asked "ALL OVER THE WORLD"! Don't those countries count as existing in the world??? Are you so incredibly confused you don't even know what you're asking?

    Anyway to answer your question, no. However women are being LESS marginalised in some countries, so it may indeed seem to some that men are being MORE marginalised.

    It's interesting to note that so many men here seem a tad confused about the new positive discrimination plans in the UK. These do not just apply to women - men may be positively discriminated for where there is a female majority, for example in teaching. I thought many men here would be happy about that? Hm, apparently not.

  10. When you think about it, men have been treated as the superior gender for years and years. Long ago women weren't even seen as human beings, were expected to keep their mouth shut and cook and clean all day, and they've never complained. And now that women are finally starting to be treated maybe a little bit better then men, you all freak out. I mean all those new laws you mentioned are nothing compared to some of the laws that went against women before. Trust me, women have had their share of unfairness and endured it. Shouldn't men be strong enough to endure this?

  11. Tracey said "In Spain, one woman a week dies at the hands of her domestic partner"

    Well if you actually look at crime graph in spain, a death of woman in a week is 10 times less than murders of men in spain in a week.

    So looking at a broad crime graph death of women in spain is insignificant to other crimes.

    It is shear alaramism by the likes of Tracy.

  12. I think that in a bid to make us equal, it has perhaps gone a bit too far. I assume that things will swing back (in fact, I think it's already starting with lads mags etc) and eventually we'll find an equilibrium. We can't take things away from men, constantly tell them they're not needed and then be surprised when a whole generation of males don't know what is expected of them. Both sexes are quite capable of achieving great things, but it would be so much better if we could do it together.

  13. "In Britain the plan is to shut down all prisons for women so that only men can be jailed"

    you sure you got your facts straight?

  14. feminist insanity?  I have a wonderful husband and he has 2 daughters and I have a son from a prior marriage.  We both need each other.  The kids are adults now and we take time for each other.  He folded our underpants because I was busy in the kitchen.  We are partners!  Well as a woman I choose to wash my own underpants at that time of the month.

  15. I support women's rights, and I hate to say this because I am not implying anything about any group...but the white male is the only ACCEPTED discrimination, which I find very unfair.

  16. If a woman or women ELSEWHERE have things that are wrong done against them, does that justify the Feminist's wrong doing against men?

    Imagine a man who said that women were getting too well treated in the West, so women elsewhere should be oppressed. He'd be literally roasted alive for his temerity.

    Now, we see the same thing (in reverse) here - women in the West justify their treating men very poorly indeed, with males being jailed for little to no reason, yet females getting let away with the WORST of crimes, such as raping a child and yet receiving NO prison sentences at all.

    See here:

    Yet a male who has merely IMAGES of child pornography on his computer will go to prison for many years.

    In Britain, with recent changes to the "child protection" laws, a male who is not a relative and assists a child is automatically deemed to be a child molester. In one case a delivery truck driver saw a child tottering off towards a steep drop, but was too afraid to stop and render assistance because he'd be labelled a child molester. So the child toppled down the hill, and fell into a stream and drowned. The Police tried to get the male delivery truck driver for neglect, luckily he had a good lawyer who got the case thrown out.

    Yet if a woman had stopped, helped the child and took said child back to the parents (who did not even known their child was missing), the woman would be thanked and that's as far as it would have gone. A man, like I said, would have had his name automatically added to the sexual offender's list and he would have been questioned about being a pedophile.

    In another British case, a male photographer was afraid to take pictures of his OWN children at a soccer match, because the other team had not had an application made to allow such photography - if he HAD taken pictures, he'd have been up on charges of being a paedophile. Yet, the male photographer had gone through a full Police background check on his past, as he had been forced to.

    But the WOMEN at the soccer match were able to take any pictures of anything, in spite of how many females are now convicted child molesters. A female photographer does NOT have to go through such checks.

    Because OBVIOUSLY women never EVER sexually abuse children:

    In Australia, one Feminist is campaigning to have all women's prisons shut, because women NEVER commit any crime worthy of being jailed. In America, the death penalty is routinely applied to men, for quite run-of-the-mill  crimes, as the anti-death-penalty lobby can well attest to. In America, the death penalty is very very rarely applied to a female, in spite of spectacular wrong-doing.  

    This is called "equality".

    In that sense, men and boys are not only being marginalised, we're seeing men and boys being fitted out for the vastest propaganda war ever: to make men and boys ashamed of being male.

  17. "It is legal to sell s*x but illegal to buy s*x". So who do you sell it to? That makes no sense. If your selling something someone has to be able to buy it.

  18. Your criticism of Tracy's valid answers shows just how ridiculously bias you are. Countries don't count as part of the world if they don't prove your point huh? Here's a European country you can read about:

  19. mmm I read this question, and saw a load of answers detailing lot of things and additional points that seem to support the askers points.

    I also saw points against the question being raised on the wording of the question (perhaps saying "in the western world" may have been better) or that we were once oppressed, now its your turn (a complete anti thesis of equality).

    I find this to be very interesting. Strike another one for womens lib winning hearts and minds, eh?

    I ponder if the most disturbing thing thats evident here is how so many people would be happy to birth a son and see them live with this.

    To add to this there are a lot of things in society (and other countries) that could be better. But theres a diffrence between fixing the short fallings and some of the things being done.

    Sam - positive discrimation in his favour with teaching huh? you obviously havent done what many men looking that way have done - looked at the rest of the discrimination package.

    I suggest looking at it a lil closer.

  20. Wow! You are so right! It seems so unfair...I can only comment on the British thing...closing the prisons to allow dangerous women to rampage around endangering the public is a disgrace...oh! but hold on a minute, there are less than 5,000 women in jail, and the number of truly dangerous women who need to be locked up could probably fill a bog standard hotel.  The rest shoplifters, prostitutes, non payment of fines, including the really horrific crime against humanity non payment of TV licence. There are 36 times more men in prison than women, so in this case this all about economy of scale!! The rest of your comments....don't mistake right wing backlash for positive action to redress real inequality.

    And...if little Norwegian boys are made to sit to pee, then patriarchy is doomed...emasculation complete...what b******ks!

    This is the best question in ages...thank you!

  21. Radical feminism is a major problem that has gotten out of hand.  I strongly suggest the government keeping a firm eye on it.

  22. No

  23. Hmm, interesting. Can you site the sources for these:

    In Britain the plan is to shut down all prisons for women so that only men can be jailed.

    In Norway the idea is to remove urinals from schools, as boys should not be allowed to do what girls cannot.

  24. there is nothing to ever worry about, on this score feminist have achieved little and every step forward in the game comes with two steps back

    Women’s rights are improving, and are to be fought for, as should equality for all people

    People talk, and talk about feminist

    But take a real close look, where are they, what have they achieved

    Have they managed to halt a single forward motion of mankind, NO?

    STOP worrying they have no power, women grow up boys, always have, how comes they have never been able to stop us from being MEN, because its not possible!!!

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