
Are men and women equal in the world of work?

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Are men and women equal in the world of work?




  1. Not really but I have seen some women expect more than equal and they expect to be treated like queens while they do not respect others.

  2. No men are much stronger, but that does not mean thety are brainier.

  3. No, women do not have the body strength for many manual jobs

  4. In the UK at least, its almost equal. The pay side of it however is not, with women still usually being paid less than men, and men getting more promotions.

    Its improving tho.

  5. as stated...women have all the oppurtunities men have...and then some. in the UK women are allowed government grants to start business...anything for men? no....a company also has to hire a certain percentage of women to not been seen as sexist...therefore if a man an a women go for a job and the man is slightly better suited for it...the women gets it or she plays the discrimnation never do that

    the fact is some women use their sexuality to get ahead...this only gets them so far and then they are seen as the office bike...just there for a ride...instead of flirting and sleeping around to get what they want...they should fight as hard as men do...the fact is men are instinctly providers..which means they can be brutal and generally have to be strong....women are nuturers and for a business to survive you have to be coathroat...whos gonna do that better...a brutal strong man who commands respect...or a caring nurturing women?

    not saying its right...thats just the way it is

  6. Depends on the employer.

  7. Men and women are equal in the world of work.

    I don't think the fact that more men hold the highest paying and most prestigious jobs indicates anything. Those guys must've started near the bottom and worked their way to the top over many years. In time you'll see many more women in such positions as the old timers retire.

  8. "statistically, men might hold the more powerful, more well-paying, more prestigious positions..."

    There's your answer. Moving on.

  9. statistically, men might hold the more powerful, more well-paying, more prestigious positions... but that is not an excuse for laws or policies that reverse prejudice.

    Women are not limited, neither legally nor socially, to make it to the top.  They just havent due to individual potentials.

    Women, whether in a professional career or a "summer job", or even in any casual relationship, will often utilize their sexuality as a tool to manipulate and find success... prostituting their femininity.  Women like that, no matter how capable, dont deserve respect or the chance to succeed.

    People should be judged for their abilities... and using ones sexuality isnt one of them.  Judge a male firefighter for not being able to pull a body out of a burning building.  Judge a female firefighter for the same.  But dont hire women for their sexuality, hooters-girls, models and the like.

    People should be negatively judged for their mentalities... for their attitudes toward their sexuality and its objectified use.  Women (or men) who would even make the attempt deserve to lose points and have a negative mark on their professional record.

    Society and the professional world should judge people for their personalities and their intellect and their skills in that capacity... not for the superficial.  What sort of world are we making for ourselves if society accepts physical superficiality as a basis for decision-making?

    Women hate it when a man judges them superficially - only when they are rejected for it.  But if they are accepted... lusted after by a man... hired as models, hired as sexual idols... or discover they can manipulate small-minded men with sexuality... by god, dont they feel good about themselves?

    Yes, I do believe that people should be hired based on their ability to meet the criteria of the job demands.  That explains away male firefighters and male military commandos.  But that doesnt mean a woman should/would be rejected for the position IF she can meet the criteria.

    Just because I believe that doesnt mean I believe a woman should be hired for her sexuality.  It does not justify the hiring of women into positions whose entire purpose IS to be s*x objects.  Yes, women might be the only ones capable of filling the position... as being s**y and feminine is the only job demand... but the fact the position even exists is highly questionable

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