
Are men better in sports than females?

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Men are better in almost all sports.

Roger Federer will beat Anna Ivannovic hands down.

Judith Polgar will lose miserably against Garry Kasparov.

Tiger Wolf can give female golf players a run for their money.

So why females still beat the trumpets that they are better than men?




  1. I personally think that if you are competitive in sports, you're kind of immature. I think it's pointless to be and there are much more important things in the world. So I guess it's our lack of interest and because we have more important things to think about other than sports.

  2. I am better at some sports then some of my guy friends.. so it really depends on the person..

    I am not gonna say that women are better w.e

    but really grow up and realize that everyone is different and that some guys suck at sports just as much as women..

    And some people are just immature.

  3. Why do you ask questions when you don't want to read the answers?

    Get over yourself man. We didn't have a choice what gender we'd be. Be a man, not a petty child who stomps his foot proclaiming his superiority to women. It's not a catcher, it's a repellent.

  4. Oh, yes...proficiency in sports is the one and only indicator of gender superiority.

    And gender superiority is necessary to human survival.

  5. well, maybe women are going behind the saying "Behind every successful man is a women"

    but i don't agree.even though some women are good at sports,they are not better!

    ha ha.

  6. 99% of the time yes and feminists just need to accept it.  I find the argument "men grow up playing sports" bogus.  Men are naturally stronger and therefore better at most sports since strength is a major component.  There are women who are physically stronger or better at sports than the average guy but at elite levels it is extremely rare that women are competitive against men.

    Why should women have to compete with men at sports?  How many guys are competitive against men that outweigh them by 60lbs?

  7. Well eventhough women are not a match with men physically, they still reach overall equality because they're better at


    Well, they're very good at


    Women are usually much better then men at


    You can't forget about women being better at


    I mean, I was talking to someone the other day, and I could tell that women are better at


           ... Damned by me, I dunno what the h**l makes them equal to men- it sure as shrek aint sports.

  8. It's proven that men, on average, are stronger than women and also have traditionally been raised to play sports growing up.  These factors lead to male advantage in some sports.  Women, however are actually better at sports that call for fine muscle movement and manual dexterity like shooting, archary.  A superior athlete is just that, man or woman.

  9. Ah, somebody is going to get yelled at by a bunch of feminists. >__>

  10. Everyone is different and it really depends on the person. I am better at martial arts than many of the males i train with that are on the same level as me. But when it comes to running I can't beat most guys. It really depends.

    Sorry for the bad grammar. English is not my first language.

  11. It's Tiger Woods.

    I don't know buddy...I can outdrive many a man on a golf course.  It's hard to say.  Generally men are physically stronger than women so that helps a lot.

  12. the answer is NO!!!

    how would you be able to judge, and thats the point..... NO. OK, NO

    now LEAVE IT!!!

  13. that's why they have their own sports leagues.

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