
Are men more accepting of a partners past(sexual) than women?

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just take a look at my two previous post. When asked an almost identical question women seem to be very judgemental and even repulse; whereas men took a more l"et the past stay in the past, or we all make mistakes" stance when the question was asked of them.. Almost the opposite of what I was expecting.




  1. Here we go with another generalization.  I saw both of your questions and they both had mixed results from men and women.  The truth is no one knows until they are in the situation and until then their all just guessing.

  2. I can agree with your point. It is hypocrical. I also agree with Ricardo. Why even bring up the topic of how many people each person has been with?

  3. I don't know, I've been with a lot of guys and I would say all of them had issues with me having been with a lot of guys.

  4. In my experience, no. Men are generally expected to "sow their wild oats", women who have the same attitude are deemed to be "s***s". Men conveniently forget that it is THEY who are having s*x with these same women. Men are driven by their testosterone but expect the woman they choose as a partner to be, if not virginal, then at least only slightly "used". Be honest men, would you happily accept a woman who admits to having s*x with lots of other men before you? Your egos would be seriously challenged, I say that not in detriment, but from experience. Until my divorce I had never been with any man besides my husband. Before meeting my current partner I had two relationships. He asked me about previous relationships and I answered honestly (to my regret) boy have I suffered for it, though it's ok now lol. Forget that he had had more, plus some one night stands, it's different for men apparently pmsl. Other girlfriends have experienced the same response, so it's not only me. What I have learned is that in this case, honesty is not always the best policy, best solution is not to ask. A new relationship should not be built on what has gone before. Of course men will take the view you have quoted, but only in regards to themselves, when it comes to their women and reality, the response is completely different in my view.

  5. Women could have a lot more sexual partners than men if they wanted to. Mainly because men are hunters on the prowl.  Whereas women don't prowl so much.

    Accepting a partners past is a general question so hard to have a definite answer. I think the younger generation these days are more open about it.

  6. Genrally, everyones different though

  7. It might be that the men who post don't want to seem jealous and controlling?  Whereas women are somewhat more forgiven for that, because they are expected to keep their chastity more than men are?

  8. ok you cant compare a one night stand to seeing a prostitute it's a little different.

    Ask the guys if they would date some one who has seen a prostitute or ask the girls if they would date someone who has had a one night stand.

    prostitute is illegal in some countries.

  9. No they aren't.   For example women with a sexual past are deemed 's***s'.    That doesn't seem to be accepting to me.

    LOL at 'almost identical'.

  10. um, well there's quite a difference between prostitutes and one night stands >>> hardly identical questions

    you might want to work on your research methodology! :-)


    ok, yes there are a few women that say that. most don't. the ones that do are probably religious wackos, what can i say > i don't know (hardly) anyone who hasn't had a one night stand :-)

  11. i think men say that because men generally are "allowed" to have more sexual partners I know my partner has a problem with the fact ive slept with 4 more people than he has but definitely not men are more judgemental than women but are more willing to hide it so that is seems more socially acceptable whereas it doesnt matter whos slept with who as long as there is love and trust in a relationship does it really matter

  12. One-night stands and prostitution are different things. Though they're both stigmatized, prostitution has a significantly bigger stigma attached, for a number of reasons.

    A one-night stand? That can be written off as loneliness. You don't *necessarily* go out looking for one, so it's not the same as deliberately seeking out a prostitute and paying money. Also, prostitution is illegal and thus harder to find, so it really does have to be deliberate. Prostitutes are often dehumanized, whereas people involved in one-night stands are still other people with emotions.

  13. jack, and all the others

    i will pose a question and then i will leave this section

    OK so it is coming up, watch this space!!

  14. Not at all.  It depends on the woman.  I could care less about my husbands past, I know about it because I was curious but that is just ehat it is, the past!

    I've thought of something more intellient to say about this...the reasons why someone would be upset about ta partners past vary.  Religion, morals, even insecurity can play in.  I don't think what my husband did in highschool is really anything to be concerned about considering who I was in high school is a very different person to who I am now.

  15. No, the questions were not almost identical. There is a difference between a one-night-stand and a prostitute, and the questions were not asked in the same manner to the same forum with the same audience.

    I support the aim of your experiment, but you need to try again to get more conclusive results. Ask two questions a few hours apart in the same category, changing nothing else except the gender articles, nouns, and pronouns.

    Interested to see what you find with this.

  16. I notice women have no problem with, and even brag about, sleeping with titans of industry, celebrities, and whoremonger professional athletes, no matter if they are married, how many women they had, have, and continue to date.

    SO even if you can ignore THAT, we men already understand why you do not ignore it when it involves us mere mortals.

  17. Not in my experience. Men care just as much, according to the ones I've met.  Maybe even more.

  18. I think that if a girl is good to the boys it doesn't make her a bad person and if a boy is good to the girls it is the same. Why worry about who your partner has been with all you need to know is that they are with you now

  19. The way I've come to understand it is most men don't care as long as the women doesn't have any baggage, such as kids, or stretchmarks. In all honesty, if I were young and single, I'd probably stray from a readymade family and a man with a beer belly or drug history, and if I knew then what I know now, I'd stray from men altogether. I think women are much more conscienscious about a mans past because most women are looking for more than putting a knot in their beltloop or a knotch on their bedpost, at least that is what I always believed up until recently, and then there is always the question of sexual diseases and abandonment, those would be my main concerns. I remember someone telling me that girls that are virgins aren't anymore special than women who have slept with 20 men, but of coarse this was after the man took my virginity which I saved for the man I thought loved me, so I guess thats your answer. The point is, we all end up losing our virginity at some point unless we are nuns, and unless we are very lucky at our first shot at love with all our naivity, it is very unlikely we will be pure by the time we find true love, but by mens standards, by that time it is usually to late, because we will find ourselves with children and stretchmarks, unless of coarse we opt to abort, which is deemed much more desireable by the majority of men and women. Come on people we can't go running around acting like lovesick teenagers, it just isn't realistic. Lust, now that is the reality we live in, so what significance does this question really have? It is obvious what each s*x has prioritized and what they are really looking for, so what does it matter how many partners one has had or whether they say goodbye in the morning? ;-)

  20. Why tell them in the first place?

  21. I don't think so.

    Those two questions are entirely different.  Having had one night stands in the past does not equate to frequenting prostitutes.

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