
Are men more inclined to give other men, or women thumbs down?

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I notice a lot of men giving me thumbs down for no good reason! I do think giving someone thumbs down just for the fact that their viewpoint differs from yours is STUPID. Anyone else agree?




  1. how do you know who gives you thumbs down?

  2. Yes..There is really, a "brotherhood".  So, I am actively involved in the increasing strength of the "sisterhood".The fact is, that the reality that exists requires both males and females.  Both are necessary, neither are superior, and I am willing to listen to everyones concept of self.

  3. Yeah, me, and I hadn't notice that lol! but your right

    That's weird!

    plz answer  my question:;...

  4. Hello,

    Not this man! I have always acknowledged women's equality and give them equal thumbs down only when their questions or comments are

    illogical, ridiculous or based on faulty information or lies.


    Michael Kelly

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