
Are men or women more likely to get away witih domestic violence?

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Since domestic violence can be just a push or shove with no injuries or minor injuries.




  1. Women, plain and simple.

  2. i think the woman would be more likely to get away with it

  3. women by a huge margin

  4. many men want to say that their b**** beat the s*** out of them?

    stigmas suck

  5. Women are more likely.  Believe it or not women engage in domestic violence frequently as men; however, men are less likely to report it than women.  

    so, if there is no record... they got away with it.

  6. Women especially pretty ones.

  7. Woman are more likely to get away with it, cause Women do it less often, I think.

  8. The women and not only can she get away with it but if nothing really happened well guise who gets to take a trip to jail if the police are called out, wont be her.

    if you are with a women who likes to fight with you i recommend that you get the h**l away from her fast as you can because all it takes is the person next door to call and you get to take a ride with the officers who show up.

  9. Women for sure, not only can they pound on a guy, but the bruises she causes to her own hands and arms are enough to get 'him' thrown in jail.

  10. This is a tough one! stasistically speaking men are more likely to abuse then women (i think it's about 95%) naturally, more women are going to be abused without anyone noticing. Domestic violence by men goes unnoticed more often than not for various reasons.

    such reasons could be:

    *the woman is not aware that her husband is being violent. blinded by love, she may think that there's nothing wrong with his verbal abuse, for example.

    *the woman might let him get away with it for the sake of not "breaking up a family" (which in my opinion is already broken up anyway)

    *out of fear that her partner will be even more violent

    *out of shame that she has failed as a wife/girlfriend

    *she may believe that the violence is her fault (this is often the case)

    *she may have lived in abuse since her childhood, and grown used to it.

    *she hopes that he will change his ways (which is why domestic violence is SO HARD to be solved)

    On the other hand, it is HIGHLY unlikely that a male is going to report his wife/girlfriend for abusing him. the same reasons as above could apply, but the most obvious reason would be that a man would be putting his "manliness" into question if he were to report the abuse, thus putting himself in a degrading and embarrassing situation.

    Domestic violence is taken very seriously in well-developed countries. and it is acknowledged that although domestic violence can sometimes be "just" a push or shove, emotional abuse is also ALWAYS involved which can have more harmful effects than physical violence.

    so whether the violence is physical (shoving, hitting, etc), verbal (insults..etc) or emotional (telling the person they are insane, useless, or ugly...etc)....the outcomes will always have a negative effect on the victim, at least on an emotional scale, which is very difficult to overcome. domestic violence is traumatic, even if "just a push or shove" it is unlikely that when reported the perpetrator will get away with it.

    at the end of the day however, it highly depends on how serious the issue is taken by that particular state/country.

  11. Women are more likely.

  12. If you include mental abuse, it's women.  They can shut off their partners from sexual activity, taunt and manipulate them to get what they want.  This, by definition, would be abuse.  However, men will not "report this" because peer pressure says that men need to "suck it up" and deal with it.

    If you are dealing strictly with physical abuse, then it would be men.  Women are smaller in stature and know that grabbing, shoving and so forth is futile against a man.  So, when women resort to physical violence, it's usually something elevated with a weapon of some sort (or by throwing objects) since they need an equalizer to compensate for their physical strength.  These cases usually get reported, where as a man shoving or grabbing may not get reported due to the lack of witnesses or physical evidence.

  13. The women because the society brainwashes us to think that men are bunch of barberians and chauvinistic pigs while women are some sort of delicate angels (though I've met some women far more sadistic and violent than men).

  14. It has to be women, look at all those women that kill thier husbands and nothing ever happens to them.

  15. I would have to say women. Society has made it that way. The man was the boss and the bread maker. So the man was the more aggressive one. he was the one to have control. If there were problems it would usually be the man that was the cause. As the years have  gone by slowly it is changing. The women are now starting to stand up for themselves. Now they have try to see both sides and see who was at fault. It is not always the man but most of the time it is.  Hey woman were at one time not allowed to vote. That was a man thing.

  16. Women

  17. women mainly get away with domestic violence even if she is hitting you when the police come they take away the male.

  18. women get away more cause they are less physical, they also get away from more mental domestic violence cause they can manipulate a man easier, a man that is more dangerous is usually abused by drugs like alcohol or something, some men get mentally violent cause they have a harder life than their wife

  19. Women report they "do" domestic violence more often than men - this is referred to extensively in Warren Farrel's excellent book "The Myth Of Male Power". This female-perpetrated violence does not fit in the Political Correctness' preconceived notion that woman "are never violent".

    Also, in Australia, the Feminists have succeeded so much, that if a man (and ONLY a man) raises his voice to a woman, that's counted as domestic violence.

    Still, even in Australia, women do commit domestic violence slightly more often than men (about 88% are female perpetrators, as versus 80% for male perpetrators, if memory serves me)

  20. I'm not sure what you mean by saying, "get away with" but I will bet far fewer men call the police on their female lovers than do women.  

    After a call IS made, however, I believe that women are just as likely to be arrested today.  It's a change that began in the police community some years back. My neighbor is a deputy on the local sheriffs department, and he says that if a call is made, they must respond and make an arrest if it looks like there was indeed an altercation.


  21. Women, because even when they are the agressors they are treated like victims.

  22. I agree with blonde dude  

    but add  that there has been a swing away from simply positioning men as the only offenders, towards a wider  definition of domestic violence as that committed by women as well.

    not sure of the crime records and how they've changed on this tho

  23. Women. They are less physically threatning and in general women are the victims.

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