
Are men stronger than women?

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Are men stronger than women?




  1. Ask this ? to the women being raped in the Congo

  2. Yes and no. Physically, yes. Emotionally, no. See, men tend to use their frontal cortex less than women, meaning that they are less convicted in  their emotions. But they have the horsepower.

  3. Generally, yes but there are plenty of strong women out there, mentally and physically.

  4. most of the time

  5. this question is bullshit. Everyone says women n stronger because they give birth....if men had uterus and was able to give birth, we'd be able to do it to.

    MEN are STRONGER then women. U think a women can beat up Hogan, Triple H, Batista???? NO! Dont give me that "ohhh there wrestler" bullshit. Wrestling or not, they are MEN! Men have more muscle mass.

  6. Two words.

    arm wrestle.

    nope, men are weaker than women, which is why we completely dominated them until we got more merciful 100 years ago and unhooked their collars.

  7. Physically, yes.....but women are stronger in other ways.

  8. Physically? Yes.

  9. DUH!

    They have a thing that lets them get strong muscles...

  10. I think we are stronger emotionally.  Who is more likely to leave if a child dies or has some horrible illness?  I am not trying to be mean, but alot of guys leave when their wives give birth to children with birth defects.

  11. It's the law of nature.

  12. to the guy that said "do you think a woman can beat up hogan and bla bla bla whoever else" uh seriously doubt YOU can do that either so get off your high horse. anyways, i think both sexes have their strong points, and yes most of the time men are physically stronger than women.

  13. Nope!!  Men will NEVER be able to withstand the labor pain women goes through.  That's why women are much stronger both physically and mentally!!

  14. That's why I dominate.

  15. No, we just smell stronger.

  16. Physically yes.

  17. No, and wow what an orignal question!

  18. Yes.  That's why they have seperate sporting events for women, because women cannot compete with men when it comes to strength and speed.

  19. Of course men are stronger; just because that's true it doesn't mean they don't get tired.

  20. Physically? 90% of the time or more.  

    In other ways, like being emotionally or mentally strong, women are just as strong as men.

  21. Physically, definitely. I don't know why women say they are emotionally stronger. They THINK that they are emotionally stronger when there isn't a real way to prove that. With physical strength there is and men win. I am not saying that men are emotionally stronger but untill someone shows me a way that that they can prove that women are emotionally stronger, I won't believe it.

  22. both sexes are strong in there own ways xx

  23. only physically, and what does that matter in an age of high-powered weaponry, from a self-defense pov?

  24. That is totally dependent upon the individual. However, usually yes males tend to be physically stronger than females.

  25. taht is an age old question yes men will always be stronger than women

  26. in stubborness yes; in sensitivity no.

  27. phisically most of the time!

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