
Are men the more evolved gender?

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since at first we're all female?(in the womb) does that extra uh kick mean men are one step ahead of women evolutionary wise?




  1. No.

  2. no. Men compliment the mating side of reproduction and are given characteristics like more muscle mass, and the ability to kill big game to feed the wife and kids. Today feminists have reduced the role of men to a second class status, and are more competitive for the same role.We men are learning to let the girls kill the big game because after the hunt, we men like to be lazy. Thanks girls for making life simple so we can understand it.

  3. I don't think so.  We are equal.  We mate with eachother and we stay pretty even or something like that.

  4. No. That's like saying women are more evolved because we have the ability to reproduce and bear children. It's a difference in s*x, not evolution.  

  5. there is no more evolved gender,we are the same species,in fact there is no 'more evolved' species.If by evolved you mean sucsessful then bacteria are the more evolved specia

  6. Men and women have unique traits that could be used to make the claim one is more evolved over the other.

    For instance, men use their urethra to dispose of waste as well as impregnate a woman where as women have unique parts for each function.  This would be considered a superior design on the part of women. Men on the other hand have vastly superior lung capacity and on average 30% greater physical endurance. The unique qualities of each gender are meant to compliment the other so there is no clear advantage. Women rely on men for just as many things as men rely on women for. Our bodies are designed to meet these needs.

  7. No.

    Being male is a gender, not a means of adaptation.

  8. You just might benefit from Biology 101. Gender is determined even before a fetus enters the womb. At the moment of conception, which occurs in the fallopian tube, the genetic material of the sperm and the secondary oocyte is united to determine the genetic material of the fetus. If the last chromosome carried by the sperm was an X, then the individual will be female. If the last chromosome carried by the sperm was a Y, then the individual will be male. This all occurs before the fetus even enters the womb.

    "Evolutionary wise," we evolve as a species. If men were one step ahead of women they would not be homo sapiens anymore and, even though we may still be able to reproduce, our offspring would be hybrids, sort of like a mule or a liger.

    Is this question ment to be offensive to women?

  9. Having testicles on the outside of the body does not make men more evolved.  If anything they should be protected like the female.  Altough having only one X chromozone, does make the better male superior, because only one genuine X in in charge.  But that in only one male in a million, not everybody can be a Ford or an Einstein.

  10. Erm no...we're the same species, gender isn't evolution.

  11. Men and women evolve together, so no.

    Men and women compliment each other.

  12. No, you look more like monkeys. :P All hairy.

  13. Watch a few of those shows where people videotape themselves doing stupid stuff, note the male/female ratio, and you'll have your answer.

    Hey!!! It's not my fault men are stupid!!!

  14. I've never seen any real evidence to support that we all start out female, but that's beside the point.  How are we more "evolved" when we're part of the same species?  

  15. We should set up a series of competitions to find out.  Running, weight lifting, beard growing.  The best of the men versus the best of the women.  Lets settle this.

  16. No no, the extra kick just means that the brain relocated.  

  17. No.

    We are NOT two distinct species, but ONE species.

    What it means is that the basic, paradigmatically human is female; men are a variation.

    Your way of thinking suggests that we're difference species; if that were so, males would have been born of males, and males and females couldn't reproduce.

  18. I don't think so, when we are all in the womb there's just that genetic 50/50 chance we will either be male or female. The fact that all embryos are female initially, I dunno, that's just how it works I guess.

  19. No I don't think so at all.  I guess it takes longer to grown a p***s  

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