
Are mentally disabled students capable of lying?

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He's mostly able to follow simple sentences, but gets distracted easily. Are most special-ed students of his capacity capable of lying for their gain? I hate to think he could be, but he has a small crush on me (he's called me cute, asked for a kiss, asked me if I loved him). He told me that my crush has a girlfriend; could he have done so to turn me off my crush? He's also told me not to call my crush because he's "busy". I have little experience with mentally disabled students, and I feel terrible for even thinking he could be lying, but I'd really just like to know if it's likely.




  1. Yes they  can lie to, i worked as  a teacher's-aid   for many  year's, we had some student's that would lie, about any  thing, and  they looked so inocent but don't let that fool you, and they also makes up a lot of stories about you and them, as like  boy- friend and girl- friend; they are always falling in love,   i worked with kids ages(5-------21) elementary     scholl,   middle sch.. and  high sch, the  oldest one  have big super  crush on most of the teachers and cry and lied all the time, they  used to pick us up and they are so strong and  boy  please don't make them mad at you, you would see stars for days. they  talk ed alot about s*x and if you dont wash them closely they would go to the bath-room, in pairs and some times  takes, all of their  clothes off. but the are so easy  to worked with and love every one,   i also worked as a  spanish  teacher; ia'm from panama and that  it's what  i  used to do i don't work   for the school  system any more, i just quit and worked in a day care  insted for couple of  years. take care;;; be blessed.

  2. Yes.  They are very capable of lying.  Their form of lying is more simple in that they do so to benefit themselves.  Whether it is to get something/someone they want, get them self out of trouble, or think that it is what you want to hear.  Think of how a 6 or 7 year old would tell you a story with some extra details (not true), so that their story is more interesting, or do not tell the truth for fear of getting in trouble.

    Same as for the mentally disabled.  They are just trying to fit in, and usually don't know better unless someone helps them understand that it is not okay to lie.

  3. YES

  4. Yes they can lie, but their lies are not usually as sophisticated as the lies of people with regular intelligence. It is easy to see through them because they don't account for things like your calling your crush to find out if he is busy or not.

    He is lying to get your attention. Just ignore it and talk about something else. If he persists, just tell him that you know this isn't the truth and that you will not discuss it further. THEM IGNORE IT! You have given him the information that he needs. Guaranteed that he will try to discuss it, so if you can't ignore it, get up and do something else. Keep your face bored and use flat voices tones.


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