
Are menthol (marlboro) smokes worse or better?

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Are menthol (marlboro) cigarettes worse than regular ones? I have heard that they take longer to affect your lungs but I have also heard they attack you faster and harder. My sister smokes the Marlboro menthols and she only smokes one a day. How longs approximately do you think she can go on like these before getting "black lungs"? Oh, and she's been smoking for about a year now--- 1 a day or 1 every other day!




  1. I doubt there is a huge difference. Menthol just taste minty fresh. 1 day... I wouldn't worry too much.

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    Smoking has reduced your life span by 0 year(s), 22 day(s).

  2. I don't like them, but like the previous said. It's only 1 a day. Don't worry be happy.

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