
Are mice good pets??

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I'm thinking about having a mouse as a pet after my hamster dies, are they easy to look after and are they good pets to have???




  1. yes   :)    

    i had 5 mice. all you have to do is clean their cage once a week and make sure its at least 2 mice because they tend to feel lonely and no human can make up for it. at first they are quiet shy but then they soon get used to you and they even climb all over you. If they ever get out which tends to happen while their still babies and very small because they fit through the bars of the cage just put up a little house or carton with some hay and food and they will come to sleep in it. I had quiet some trouble getting them because hardly any pet stores sell them. I'm not sure where you live but i in the end got mine from Sutton. But be careful because often the mice you buy are pregnant (one of mine had 9 babies shortly after we got her). And females are much easier since they dont try to 'rule' the cage like male mice. + males stink because they 'mark their territory' and they get aggressive when they defend it against others. All in all they were wonderful pets but unfortunately lived only between 6 months and 1.5 years. HAVE FUN    :)

  2. Yes!! but make sure they can't get out of thier cage....they are REALLY smart and small!!  good luck!

  3. mice are incredibly easy pets to take care of, i had 2 mice when i was around 10 and they were fun untill they kept having babys, its like every week they have babys untill I have so many i had no choice but to give them away

    (now petco and petsmart only have either females or males in 1 tank so this shouldnt happen to you)

    but watch out if you have a male and female in like 1 year you will have like 100 mice no kidding

  4. Yes, mice are great pets! Some might say that they are friendlier than most hamsters. But the downside is they are really fast! So it makes them hard to hold. Mice are also easier to please as they will use almost any toy you give them (unlike hams).There urine does not smell as strong as hamsters so thats an up side. I can't say that mice are better pets than hamsters, because everyone has there own opinion. But I can assure you it will be a different experience!

  5. They're very playful little creatures and not too much trouble. But when you buy one make absolute certainty it's a male unless you want other little ones too!

    I bought a female mouse a while back and didn't even think it might be pregnant! I found four new born's a few weeks later in the cage while cleaning it!

    If you were to want your pet mouse to have babies. Once they're born don't touch them like I did. The mother would sense a different smell to them and eat them not knowing they're one of her own.

    Good luck if you do choose to purchase one!

  6. Mice make great pets, they are clean (as long as you keep their living space clean, and they are easy to care for.

    I had two males (kept separated) and one of them in particular was just a big bundle of love who loved to stay in my hand so I could gently rub him behind the ears.

    Males, since they usually have to be kept alone (else they fight), tend to be more social to humans since they are social animals, and being alone they will seek human presence more than females (who should be kept in groups).

    Those two mice of mine were my first, but I definitely plan on getting more mice in a nearby future because it was a really great experience.

  7. rats are much better they are like dogs they love there owner and there easy to manage and upkeep

  8. People say mice make great pets but really they are boring.  The will run from you, you can't train them, and there really hyper.

    I prefer rats over mice.  You can actually train them.

    and rats can love you back, mice they don't really care
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