
Are mind powers a fraud? Why or why not?

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Do mind powers exist or are they mere fraud?




  1. I don't believe they exist, based on the lack of evidence meeting the basic standards of science. But that doesn't necessarily mean it's all fraud, either. Some well-meaning but self-deceived people think they really do have "mind powers" such as ESP, remote viewing or clairvoyance, telekinesis, etc., so without intent I wouldn't call that fraud.

    Here is a great document with lots of links to the actual research which you might find interesting, and will help you understand why I don't believe in psychic mind powers.

  2. Absolutely not. Just because fakers and skeptics exist doens't give evidence to discredit those who really exercise mind powers. Everyone is born with them, but tends to stray away from tuning into these intuitive powers as they age and experience education on a solely factual level. Everything - reality included - stems from the mind, so why is it so ridiculous to believe "powers" are held there? The human brain is the most powerful tool we as a race hold - analyze that.

  3. They aren't fraud at all.

    Things like psychokenisis might be a bit fake,

    But if you're talking about having mental control over someone - then yes, its completely possible.

    Obviously its not really 'Mind Control" like in the X-Files, But with a strong enough education about the human brain, its easy to manipulate people just by talking.

    Try reading psychology books to gain these powers.

  4. If they aren't fraud then they should be demonstrable, right?  If they are indeed real, then there should be evidence they exist, right?  If they are legitimate then a significant portion of the population should be capable of performing them, right?

    Despite apologist claims to the contrary, there has been no demonstration of a repeatable, measurable and distinct mind power.  On the contrary, many who claim to have such powers have been shown to be frauds or else are unwilling to be scrutinized.  What does that tell you?

  5. Yes, mind powers exist they allow you to breath, digest food, heal from injuries and illness, perceive information in your environment, speak, and reason.

    Supporting evidence from scientific experiments suggest that other not yet fully described or explained human abilities also exist like ESP (including clairvoyance and remote viewing).

    "Rosenthal, after considering the possible influence of various flaws upon study outcome, concluded that the overall hit rate of the studies could be estimated to be 33 percent, whereas chance expectancy was 25 percent."

    (link below)

    "Using the standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic functioning has been well established. The statistical results of the studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud."

    (link below)

    Edit: as you can see skeptics will continue to say there is no evidence even when it is in black and white (links bellow) and thumbs down answers that provide evidence that is contrary to their personal opinions and beliefs in order to prevent people having actual information from scientific studies.


  6. My direct answer to your question is yes. It isn't about having "mind powers". It is different than that, but real.

    I'm a person who would be a "skeptic" except for one solid PSI experience having made that impossible. I had to admit to myself I was wrong. PSI phenomena occur, whether you like it or you don't.

    I also learned that some of the ideas people come up with are "for entertainment purposes only". I never liked the term "psychic powers" or "abilities". A lot of that thinking is right out of a comic book. The staged stuff is even worse, and don't get me started on Hollywood!

  7. Mind powers is a scam, and people who claim to have them, when they have a talent of convincing masses, they makes lots of $$$

    Mind powers have not been proven consistently in lab experiments, making them a pseudoscience.

    Sometimes they make really good guesses, have some "inside" people to pretend to be astonished, mention every name in the dictionary before getting it right, will switch to other people if they aren't doing so well with the current person, do better when they see the person's reactions like a head shaking/nodding/crying.

  8. it's a mental conspiracy....the psychic's subconcious is actually being hijacked by aliens! ET phone home! LOLz

  9. I always say, psychics is not a fraud. Science is the fraud. Believeed by nearly all the people because it is backed up by many powerful people. Throughout history, belief systems have been made through powerful people. For example, the church, long ago said that the earth is the center of the universe but it is not. That alone, shows that humans follow the crowd, and they generally believe what the majority believes. Nobody likes to be proven wrong. Thats why all the believers posts here gets thumbed down. But that is no reason to think that psychics are fake.

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