
Are minorities portrayed a particular way in the media??

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Do you feel as if minorities are portrayed in a truthful light?




  1. Sadly, I think there is still a lot of bias towards minorties in the  media.

  2. NO WAY!  I don't know if you follow sports, but all the white guys (such as Roger Clemens) basically get off easy, but we'd put the black ones (such as Barry Bonds and Marian Jones - and Michael Vick) in front of a firing squad if it were allowed.

  3. eh, yes and no. if a white person does something people talk about it and it goes ways or they get punished or whatever.

    when a minority does something it seems that other people of their race seem to create a lot of commotion about them being treated unjustly or something like that.

    when that happens it stays around in the media longer so the public hears about it more.

    100 white people could shop lift at a particular store and get punished case closed, 2 people of another race could do it and all their "friends/crusaders" could make a commotion and the media will report on only those two individuals. thus making that particular race look bad

    also when dealing with sports stars, most of them are non whites so it's more likely when a athlete commits a crime it will be a non white person

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