
Are mirrors good for 8 month old tiels?

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I remember someone telling me that tiels love mirrors but also ive seen people say that mirrors arnt good for young birds .... would a mirror be good for an 8 month old tiel??




  1. Yes, it's perfectly fine. I'm not sure why people think it's bad to give a mirror to a bird... it gives them company, and it doesn't distract from taming. My birds both had mirrors, even when I was trying to hand-tame my first, and it didn't harm anything. My female 'tiel would actually "pretend" to talk to her mirror when she was talking to me, it was really cute.

    Unless someone insists that their bird gives them their full attention and doesn't include the mirror in the "conversation", I don't see how it could be a problem.

  2. It isn't necessarily, mirrors aren't good for them it is more because they may tend to favor the reflection of them self more than you. I had a cocktailel that loved his cage sized mirror and still was the best bird I have ever been around of any kind. My birds now have small mirrors.  

  3. yes it would gives them theirselves to play with lol!

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