
Are missions............?

by Guest66715  |  earlier

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Just a more subtle method of religious terrorism, and are missionaries themselves religious terrorists?




  1. Well Mabel B - I assume from the remarks addressed to Tulip that you are about to go and practice what you preach.  

    Please let us know when you’re setting out on your missionary work to aid those in distress.  With no hidden agenda being taken for granted.  

    Missionaries you criticize offer the Good News about the Kingdom of God and are usually loving caring people.

    May be you should find out what the Good News is all about before you accuse them of religious terrorism.  

    It is possible that you have had a bad experience with those who preach the Gospel message, but please don’t lump them together as terrorists.

  2. Yes, and more. Chavez threw a large group out of Venezuela because they were largely a front for the CIA.

  3. Missionary work is incredibly insulting to indigenous religions.

    But the way it's done today, it's more indoctrination than terrorism...

    That wasn't always the case though.  

  4. Missionaries do amazing work and anyone who insults them should find out more about the good that they do.  I know many missionaries, many of whom have given up their comfortable lives in wealthy countries to help the poor and needy in other countries.  I know one man in particular, who gave up a lucrative job as an obstetrician in Australia, to go to Ethiopia to serve and establish a hospital to help young women (many of them barely teenages) who have had problems in child-birth, leaving them bleeding continuously and forcing them to become outcasts by their family.  These poor girls are left to fend for themselves.  But with this hospital, they are able to go and seek the medical help that they need and many of them are afterwards able to return to their families.  

    During their stay in hospital they are told the gospel and many of them have given their lives to Jesus.  Why does that disgust anyone?  

    Others I know have gone to small villages in Tanzania and established medical and educational programs there.  One of the medical programs has reduced the cases of malaria from 80% to 18% through simple preventative measures.  One of the educational programs has established a secondary school for the children so that the children can gain an education they would not otherwise have had.  Tell me how this is religious terrorism?  

    All the people who do this sort of work go there because of the great need that is out there.  They try to heal not only the body and the mind but also the soul.  Of course they preach the gospel but it is not forced on anyone, and people receive the help anyway, regardless whether they accept the good news or not.

    If anyone would like to find out more about the missionary work of the people I have spoken about or any of the many others that I know about please email me.

  5. No.

  6. I think so.  

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