
Are money tree's hard to care for,& what insect's like them.?

by Guest34103  |  earlier

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Are money tree's hard to care for,& what insect's like them.?




  1. Yes very watch out the bank will dig your tree out and leave you a bill!!!!! RUN well you can!

  2. The braided money tree plant, known as Pachira aquatica, is indeed one of the easiest houseplants to take care of. It grows well in low-light conditions, and makes a perfect gift for office space. If you forget to water it for a few days, no problem.

    The trees are typically grown as ornamental plants; when you receive them, they will be about 5 years old (one to two feet in height). Properly cared for and repotted every few years, they can grow to upwards of 7 feet.

    Plants do best with indirect sunlight. Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings. If leaves start "crinkling", it means the plant is being under-watered; when they turn soft and yellow, it means it is being over-watered.

    Some people prefer to keep the trees braided; others separate the braids and grow them as individual trees. Either way, these trees will definitely provide enjoyment for years to come (and who knows, maybe even riches!)

  3. A few insects or pest I can think of that will destroy it within hours, days or weeks.

    GF or BF




    Mr. Gas pump

    All type of ex's

    and can't forget them pesky lawyers

    Cure:  Stay single, keep your pants on and drive a old beater

  4. They are very difficult to care for.  Just try to keep them watered and groomed accordingly.  Watch out for their main prey, IRS-appotomus, those pesky things will strip the entire tree overnight!  Good luck!  ;o)

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