
Are monster Energy Drinks Bad for you?

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i looked it up but i didnt understand the answers they gave me.




  1. overall yes. they give you empty sugar and carbs. plus they dont really give you energy. in reality an apple could give you more energy than a monster drink. plus it is almost like soda which is completely unhealthy, it can cause a bone mass decrease, stunted growth, and it doesnt do anything but put on weight if your not active. Vitamin water is better for you but still has the sugar. so if you are active i suggest that or gatorade because it has elctrilights which are good foe you and you need to survive. but there is that empty sugar. my fav snack is just an apple or orange and sugar free lemonade

  2. If your totally on the go all the time, atheletic and watch your diet and exercise carefully, then I would think it is ok to use daily or as a substitute of some kind. BUT, If you're like me who really doesn't like the way it taste anyway and am so so on the Healthy Living kinda life, then do like me and stick with Gatorade and candy bar.  :)

  3. All energy drinks are bad for you because they basically give you an overdose of caffeine and other stimulants.  Caffeine, by the way, is an addictive drug -- it's just a legal one because it's not as addictive or harmful as other drugs.  In moderation, energy drinks are okay, but you shouldn't drink more than the recommended amount per day (which is usually two or three) and you should try to avoid drinking them as much as possible.

  4. They are not good for you, they may give great energy but they contain an herb that has 3x the caffeine of regular caffeine. The active ingredients in monster stay in your body for 3 days.

  5. They aren't great for you, but they most certainly aren't bad.  Everyone is just all over paranoid about everything now.  As long as thats not all you drink every second of every day you should be fine.

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