
Are more environmentalists "Pro-Life" or "Pro-Choice"?

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It seems to me that more environmentalists tend to lean on towards the stereotypical end of the liberal spectrum however I am positive there are exceptions. This question is not necessarily a poll but if you chose to reveal your persuasion it could be an interesting cultural study.




  1. I worked as an environmental professional for 13 years.  I am pro-life, but I seriously believe that at least 95% of the people I worked with over that time were pro-choice.

    I happen to feel strongly about both issues, but think Greenpeace is too extreme, and bombing abortion clinics is horrible, criminal, and immoral.  I think there are more intelligent ways to work towards sharing your beliefs with the world than the mechanisms that most extremists generally choose.

  2. Environmentalist worship Earth and do not care about human life. That should answer your question..

  3. I consider myself and environmentalist, but I'm definitely pro-choice. I believe women have the right to choose what happens to their bodies and whether or not they want children. That's not to say it procedures should be taken lightly, just that it should be allowed in a regulated environment. We don't want to revert to the dark ages with dangerous self induced abortion practices.

  4. I am for sure Pro-Life.  I think it is absolutely ridiculous to think that anyone should have the right to choose if someone else lives or dies like that.  It's pure arrogance on the part of a woman.  It shows a lack of intelligence and compassion.  If anyone has the guts to sit here right now and continue to read this, you may learn a thing or two.  If not, it just shows that you cannot stand on your own two feet and defend what you believe.  First of all, you say that you have the right to choose because it is your body that is affected.  If that were the case, than I can kill my two year old daughter right now.  No?  Why not?  Why can't I kill my fiance right now?  I would go to jail right?  Why?  Is it not the same thing?  Life is life and death is death.  Supporting them causes me a lot of mental and physical stress.  I have to work harder and more causing all kinds of physical ailments; heart disease, stomach problems and ulsers, even cancer.  I guess thats not as bad as a few stretch marks right?  If you have the right to choose something that affects you than I have an equal right to choose something that affects me.  Or when you scream for equality do you actually mean superiority.  Also, the dictionary defines life as the quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli.  Well, since we know that a fetus is alive and not dead and it is surely not inanimate because it does move and respond to stimuli it must fall under this definition.  Also, it does have a metabolism, it grows and eventually is capable of reproduction.  Hmmmm, it must be a living human being.  These processes start at the begining of conception, the second that sperm enters the egg it begins to grow.  Therefore, if you are able to kill it, it falls under the same definition as my two year old and even my fiance, I should be able to kill them.  Right?

  5. Yeah your right b/c many environmentalist that are proactive on the environment are liberals or a.k.a "Hippies". Liberal means to have liberties in a government or in a society. Sooo pretty much they believe people have the right to choose either if they want to have an abortion or not.

    I'll reveal my persuasion just to make it interesting:

    I am pro-choice i think people should be able to choose if they want to get abortions. I also think abortion benefits researchers who are trying to find more information stem cells. but there is a bad part about it.....since people are allow to have abortions some teenagers might think "hmmm it will be fine if i have s*x at the age of 16 b/c if i get pregnant i can just abort it". I'm Atheist so i don't believe there a two cell organism that will become a baby has a soul. So i am not offended when people get abortions but it just bugs me that people are having s*x at the age of 14 or even less.

  6. The vast majority of the environmentalists that I know are pro-choice. That could just be the crowd around me, though.

  7. Not being an enviromentalist myself, I am pro-choice.

  8. Interesting to see all the comments that environmentalists hate humans. Actaully I'm an environmentalist because I love humans and want them to have enough resources to sustain human life, strong cultures, and economic development in the future.  I don't live on this planet alone and I don't think it's up to me to try my hardest to dirty up someone else's house.  But thanks for thinking you know something about people you've never met or tried to understand.


    Whenever I see the issue polarized into 2 simple camps I have to ask if the question is aimed at personal/moral feelings or political sentiment.  Pro-choice and pro-abortion are not the same thing. Personally I'm against it. I would not be able to do it. I'd much rather see more effective means of birth control used and developed further.  That said in the political/legal realm I'll support a persons right to make a choice that is different from the choice I would make. And yeah, that's more of that loving humans thing. So I get deemed a pro-choice environmentalist alothough I guess I don't fit the stereotype persay.

  9. I'm pro choice, but **** the environment to an extent, i don't like seeing garbage in my yard. And Al Gore invented global warming just like he invented the Internet.

  10. I'm Pro Choice and for the environment but not to Greenpeace extremes.

  11. There are more true people who protect the environment who are pro-life but do it in a reasonable educated, scientific manner. However, most of the wacko trolls in the environmental movement are crazed pro-abortion nut jobs who would much rather protect a maggot in a trash bag than protect a human from murder.

  12. I'm a pro-choice tree-hugger myself.

  13. There is a difference between pro-choice and pro abortion. I believe that a young woman who finds herself pregnant should have the choice to keep it, adopt it out, or terminate the pregnancy within the first trimester (later if seen as the best alternative). I would much prefer a child being aborted than raised by a family who doesn't care for it, and wishes it were never born. Best case is to adopt it out, but some women can't be put through the whole experience, and may try to self-abort later in the pregnancy. Or worse, give birth and put it in a dumpster, as many cases have shown.  I really don't believe a fetus in the first trimester has complete synapses and therefore no ability at thought or a sole.

    I am a science educator and environmentalist.

  14. Pro-choice.  A lot of them tend to hate humans and have no probelm with them being killed.

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