
Are more hispanics dyslexic than caucasian or african america?

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I'm not picking on hispanics, I have a mild form of dyslexia...although I have came to realize that alot of my hispanic friends (more than any other race) are dyslexic.

Is this some sort of genetic mishap or is it because the way that we're taught to speak and write and if so would it affect more hispanics because they are having to learn a new language?




  1. Of the races you mentioned, learning disabilities are most common (or at least most often identified) in african americans, followed by caucasian, with hispanic coming in 3rd.  Having to learn a new language should not impact the identification of a learning disability, as a person should be evaluated in the language in which they are fluent.

  2. Alot of learning disabilities are overdiagnosed or mis-diagnosed. Its also societies way of placing a person who is non compliant or out of the ordinary into another "box".  They too easily hand out these labels when their is alot else at play... Maybe they're just not interested and bored? Maybe they have emotional difficulties? A lot of these specialists that diagnose these "disorders" dont really know what they're talking about or are looking to write a scrip and make a little money.  I think it exists to an extent.

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