
Are mosquito nets really needed while traveling?

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This seems to be a very personal choice, but I wonder if a net is really useful on a 3 month trip.

Also it will be my wife and I staying at hostels etc and backpacking around so wight is an issue. Is there a better net than others, and what size (2 singles, a double...) should we get?

We are going to Dubai, India, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines.

We are taking anti-malarial medication but decided against the Japanese Encephalitis shot.




  1. Good suggestion by RioJade. Carry the net repair kit that you may often need for damage caused due to one or the other reasons. Mosquito repellent creams are also available in these countries for cheap. Beware, don't be too close to each other and no l*****g once cream is applied. Happy holidays!

  2. Wow, sounds like an amazing trip. A mosquito net might seem like a luxury before you get there, but depending on the time of year you go and the places that you stay (hostels), Asia Pacific can be swarming (Dubai not so much). A net will help your peace of mind and help you get all the sleep you'll need. You won't lay there all night worried about the mosquitos buzzing around your head, and you won't be running around in your socks trying to swat at them along the walls (like my husband did). There are expandable/retractable pyramid versions out there that take up very little room. You really will only need a single size (as long as you plan on sleeping in the same bed!) since they fan out quite well. Your second concern might be whether there will be places to hang the net once you arrive. Take a little hook along, which will work as long as the ceilings aren't concrete.

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