
Are most Christians creationists?

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Or do you think more Christians have a more metaphorical understanding of the stories in the Bible?




  1. I don't think you really mean "creationists".  What you are asking is "are most Christians literalists?"  The answer (thank God) is no.  Amongst christians there is a whole spectrum of interpretations of the Bible, and biblical literalists or fundamentalists are in the minority.  

    Unfortunately they are a very vociferous and persistent minority, and their constant yapping and yiping gives the rest of the Christian community a bad name.

  2. all of them believe that god created the universe, but most of them support evolution

    Catholicism, for example, teaches evolution in its schools, but say's god started the first spark

  3. If they believe Gods word they are, if they dont I dont know if there Christians.

    tGod bless

  4. ummm....haha.yyyyyaaaaa? what else would they be?

  5. More and more so due to the New Age Christian Contemporary Church.

    The New Age Contemporary Christian Church?   People ask " why not"  to this church.  A good litmus test is this;  "Does secular America have a problem with this Church"?   The answer is a resounding no.  In short, if people that hate God don't have a problem with it then we as Christians need to run the other way more often than not when it comes to doctrinal issues.  Remember,  we as Christians are a peculiar people set apart from the world.  We are not to mold ourselves to become the full pattern of pop culture which is contrary to God.  If a question needs to be answered it is to be found in the Word of God and not born out of a mans opinion.

    1 Peter 2:9

    But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

    True Christians will be mocked, hated and scoffed at as foretold in the Bible.

    Notice how the New Age Contemporary Christian Left Wing church isnt hated by the secular world? This in itself proves out its error.

    Romans 12

    2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

  6. Most Christians are "creationists" in that they think God created the universe, but only 60% accept evolution.

  7. I am a Christian but I am not a creationist. I believe that the story of Genesis is a description of the Big Bang, as orchestrated by God, explained in a way that a non-scientific culture could comprehend. Obviously they had no knowledge of space or evolution, but it is so inherently human to want to know where we came from and where we're going, that nearly every culture in the world, past and present, has some kind of creation story. Whether it's the story of Adam and Eve or the great turtle with the earth on its back, they are all stories that cultures created in an attempt to explain their origins. Now we know that through a process of evolving and adaptation, we came to where we are today... but that doesn't "debunk" God or make Him less real, it just gives us a better explanation of how He got us all started.

  8. Most Christians at least believe that there was a being that created the first organism. Whether that organism was a man or an atom or a bug or whatever all depends on the individual and how they perceive science. You will hear a lot of things about "conservative", "liberal", and "traditional" Chrisitans. Thats because these three sects of Christians have very different views - and one of those main views is about Creationism (I am a liberal).

  9. I don't know where you can find that statistic but I have seen polls that state over 50% of Americans don't accept Evolution as a viable theory.

    I've got to believe most of the doubters are Christians with a literal view of the Old Testament.  I've seen varying percentages for the number of Americans that are Christian but it is probably somewhere between 60% and 80%.

    I'm just guessing (as I suppose everyone else is) but it seems to me that it takes a very high percentage in the Christian camp to get to over 50% of the general population.

  10. They should be. Jesus said, If I tell you about earthly things and you do not believe me, how can you believe me if I tell you about spiritual things. The bible is not a science book. It is not meant to be. It does set the foundation for a lot of science though. It does tell literally about the creation. It tell about the creation of all animal. It tells about the lineage of men. It tells about the flood. These are all literal events. If a person can't believe the earthly things spoken literally in the bible why would they believe the spiritual things spoken about also.

    Evolution is a teaching of the Naturalist's religion. Because they do not believe in God they have to invoke purely natural origins. To make natural evolution from a common ancestor the need to involve billions and billions of years. There is plenty of good science that falsifies this evolutionary teaching. It is impossible. Darwin saw 14 minor varieties of finches and then he concluded that the birds were related to bananas. He stated, "It is a truly wonderful FACT that all plants and animals throughout all space and time should be related." This is what all evolutionary science (or lack there of) does. The people observe a bit of nature and then through gross oversimplification and conjecture they take it to the extreme and into the impossible but because of the religion of naturalism, they need to do this. All observations in nature are interpreted under Naturalism's moral law. Dr.Francis Crick, the co-discoverer of DNA stated, "Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they observe was not designed but rather evolved." You can see this twisting of observations in action through this statement. When you are in a Humanistic Naturalistic religion and you forget about the flood you have to look at all animals as an mutated accident. You have to look at the billions of fossils as our line of ancestors instead of the remenent of the flood. You have to believe that a dinosaur can turn into a humming bird. You have to believe that a lilly pad has the possibility of becoming a tiger. I would rather deal with facts and observable science as the bible so perfectly tells.

    God created all animals. These animals reproduce after their kind. The kinds were created with a built in ability for some minor variation. We observe this variation but nothing more. Dinosaurs lived with people. Look at all the ancient civilizations. They all saw dinosaurs. They all have paintings, sculptures, pottery, and written records of dinosaurs. They called them dragons. The word dinosaur was not invented until the 1800's.

    The bible is the literal truth of God, His creation, man's rebellion, God's judgement, and God's plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. I believe the bible on its explination of earthly things and of spiritual things.

  11. All Christians are creationists in the sense that they regard God as creator, but only conservative evangelicals try to insist upon the literal truth of the Bible. The Roman Catholic Church is larger than all the other churches put together, and they have never had any trouble with Evolution.

  12. No, the majority of Christians accept the Theory of Evolution.

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