
Are most break-ups initiated by women?

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If women are more likely to be the one filing for divorce, does that also mean they are the ones more likely to end relationships in general? And could this be the reason that some men are bitter about women / feminists? What are your thoughts? :-)




  1. Men aren't even allowed to get divorced without the women's consent. The US is sexist.

  2. It's been said that women initiate most break ups/divorce.

    Why? Well not all of that can be attributed to women just wanting the mans money.

    There are so many women(believe it or not) who would leave a bad relationship with nothing but the clothes on her back.

    If men learnt to communicate and compromise in their relationships more and also pull their weight, then the rate of divorce may actually begin to fall.

    Women get sick and tired of trying to communicate but get nowhere.

    Both the husband and wife must communicate, it can't be all one way.

  3. I think mos break-ups start by women but that doesn't mean anything I have never encounter a man traumatized by this!

  4. IDK, its about half and half with me.......

  5. Yup

  6. Yeah Id say definately.  In my experience every girl Ive dated has dumped me, but half of them I wanted to break up with her, but wanted her to do it b/c I didnt want to be the bad guy.  Those were usually the hot ones I was using for s*x anyway...I have 4 sisters and I dont think they've been dumped in one relationship they've been in.  Id say in relationships and romantic situations in general women have the upper hand.   Just being a girl makes you desireable for most men.

  7. Well that's certainly not the case with my divorce. And usually it is called by both male and female.

  8. Usually the person initiating is claiming back their independence, and so the person being dumped is very much on the backfoot.  They still want the person who left them, or at least, were prepared to keep trying.

    The balance of power shifts with age.  Young women have a great deal of power to say yes and no.  But that changes when children become involved, given that divorced men, even those paying child support are much more economically mobile.

    As children mature, the balance shifts back to women, as men have fewer earning years before retirement, and assets are generally divided equally.

    I don't know that statistics for who initiates, but I suspect that on the whole, the person who calls a split is usually the one who will be best placed to get on with their life after it.  As dependents generally do not want to break their dependencies.

    I'm basing the above on averages.  Obviously it isn't always true.  Namely that men earn more than women.  Young women can have a very wide pick of what man they choose.  Mothers will tend to raise the children when a couple divorces.

  9. women usually file divorces because they realize something about the man. i think the guys would break up more because they have found someone else but the women maybe because they could find out the man cheated.  good question. it's hard to answer though .

  10. yeah probably because they find out the guy is cheating on them so they dump them.

  11. Yes, but I don't think it has to do with men's attitude towards women or feminists.  I think it is more primal than that, evolutionary.  A woman will more likely than a man reject a mate because she is more likely to care about the quality of her offspring.  If she doesn't feel good about what a particular man has to offer, she'll seek out a new one.   The man just wants to spread his seed.

  12. yes because women have lesser sense of responsibility the men,

  13. women initiate up to 70% of divorce, so a lot of men's groups (conservative, religious, fathers rights, etc.) are angry about it.

    some want divorce reform.

    some sell books that 'teach" men how to avoid a divorce

    it's always harder on the party that does not initiate the break up. many of the misogynist groups were started by divorced men (many of the FR groups).

    there's one group in Australia - the blackshirts - started by a guy who wanted to stay married (and considers himself so -he wont remarry). his group dresses in black from head to toe (with masks) and uses megaphones to harass separated women - calling them names & such in public - terrorism b/c it frightens and threatens the women.

    divorce is just one reason that these men turn bitter. what typcially happens with FR men is that the groups recruit hurt men who are newly divorced by offering support. but, in time, they turn this hurt into bitterness and anger by blaming all the outside forces - courts, lawyers, women, feminists, etc. --- everyone but the man is in the wrong. (it's similar to how hate groups recruit apparently sane people - by offer support to ppl who feel isolated). Anyway, instead of being constructive and dealing with the pain and grief, these groups (none of them are mental health experts) turn that pain into hatred and anger.

    men definately need more support services for dealing with divorce.

    and, good news, divorce is going down.

  14. I don't know, let me study every breakup in the history of the universe so I can figure out the averages.

    Come on, no one can answer this logically.

  15. Could that be because many men hate making a decision, even if they do realise that it may be better for all concerned?

  16. my ex-girlfriends would say no.

  17. LOL Feminists are funny. Breaking up with men has nothing to do with feminism. Why can't you understand that? I don't care who breaks up with who but I do care that women have special privileges and advantages thanks to dear old daddy government.

    Women are more likely to file for divorce. Fact.

    As far as relationships in general It would stand to reason that yes they do. Once the fun is gone (ie: the money) they leave.


    Actually, I have no clue.

  19. yes and they are usally yhe whole problem

  20. I would say women are most likely to end relationships in general as well.

    I think men will stick around even if they are unhappy cuz they just don't want to break up- most guys I know would rather the girl break it off with them.

  21. I think you're on to something.


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