
Are most differences in modern western hemisphere cultures directly related to their european conquerors?

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during the age of exploration




  1. Of course. It has only been a few hundred years here and there. The New World is still strongly connected to their

    "conquerors". The only difference is that the conquerors are on both sides of the Atlantic.

  2. The differences in any culture anywhere usually is directly related to the changes made from conquests.  And some of that is directly related to that cultures development in its earliest stages which has proved to be by conquests perpetrated for it or against it. The Europeans have pretty much dominated the conquest scene but now with the Red Sun of China we are definitely going to witness developments that will require far more than mankind is capable and if history is a viable representation of reality we will have such changes once again thanks to some conquering force or other.

  3. Yes.

    The Spanish and the English had very different philosophies.

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