
Are most families like this? Or are we just an abnormal family? ha. ?

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We have been having quite a few problems with our family lately. ha.

Anyways, last weekend we had a party/cook-out for a birthday. We were outside and my mom was sitting on the porch stairs.. my aunt and grandma sitting behind her. Clearly they were talking about us, as in my family. Seriously, who talks about someone, especially family, right in front of them, so they can hear you? If you want to talk about us, fine, but do it where we can't hear you!

Then my uncle, husband of the aunt that was talking about us and brother of my dad, tells my dads best friend that my mom is divorcing my dad when me and my sister move out of the house. So, my dads friend tells my dad and he tells my mom. My mom called my uncle and asked him if he said it and he denied it and said it was my grandma who started this rumor. So, she called my grandma and she said she didn't. Later on we find out that my uncle admitted to starting this rumor. Which is totally not true! Ugh.

Do we just have an abnormal family, or are most families like this?




  1. I don't know about most, but my family is *very* similar.

    My aunt I haven't spoken with in over a year, called my grandmother (who hasn't spoken to her in over a year as well) last week and started saying all this stuff that I supposedly told her!! I haven't seen or talked to her since Easter of 2007, yet I was calling her and was bragging about all the Family Gatherings we have had without her? Whatever.

    I just try to laugh off those kinds of things. There's nothing you can do about it. There is ALWAYS some kind of family drama going on, no matter what family you belong too. Some are just better at hiding it...LOL

  2. some people have fun trying to destroy other peoples lives. your uncle obviously has problems of his own and is jealous of the relationship your dad and mom have . so why not start a rumour.  

  3. My family does the same thing, but never in front of them...It is sickening to hear a family member bash another family member. My mom and sister are bad about it. I don't do stuff like that. But I would say it is normal.  

  4. you don't know crazy familys until your hispanic!

    my family talks about everyone.

    i have 10 aunts and 1 uncle by mom's side.

    and there's always drama.

    it's crazy crazy crazy

  5. You are not alone.  My family puts the F in family. lol  Dysfunctional families are common.  It is hard to find one that doesn't have some skeletons in the closet and anywhere alse they choose to be.  I don't know of one family that hasn't had some sort of drama.  Its human nature and you can't change it, all  you can do is deal with it the best way you can.  

  6. Sorry to say, but our family is not quite like that. Everyone is more "sneaky" so maybe your way is better since everything is out in the open.

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