
Are most guys shallow? Or is it only the ones I know?

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I think I only know, like, 1 non-shallow guy...

are most shallow? Are you shallow?

personally I think everyone has their standards too high these days... im never gonna get a date.




  1. as a lady friend of mineonce put it

    her: all guys are perverts

    Me: u don't no any non perverted guys

    her: well i do no 4 but i hate them all

    answer: its natural for men to be perverts and shallow i've only ever met a girl once where i became emotionally involved unfortunatly didn't work out were still good friends though  

  2. Most HUMANS are shallow. It just makes it extra special when you find a person that loves you for who you are & what's on the inside.

  3. im not shallow at all. i dont date alot, but thats cuz im shy, but im getting over it. no,not all guys are shallow.

    are all women shallow? i didnt think so.

  4. You seem fairly young.  At that age, yeah, most guys are as shallow as the waters of the Platte River.  But, don't sell yourself short, just in order to keep company with a guy.  That is just a sign that you would be wasting your time dating, if there is no one who doesn't seem shallow. Wait, be patient, develop your mind and your interests.  "Never" is a long time.  

  5. No, not all guys are shallow. You just got to show that you have self-confidence. If you don't have that, then no guy would really care to want you. I learned that the hard way. I am not a skinny girl by NO MEANS, but I think I am gorgeous with what God has given me & I think I have a pretty awesome personality. I am dating a GREAT guy who is skinny, the exact opposite of me. He loves me for who I am, not what size I am or how my face is.

    You just need to show them you have attitude & you have self-confidence. If you show you are always upset because no guy will give you attention & you are like, "pity me, pity me"... I promise, they won't come around.

  6. im not shallow :O  i still say most of the guy population is shallow though...

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