
Are most in Australia opposed to fraternities?

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A simple question. Drop your thoughts about what you think one is from movies.




  1. Most universities already have about a zillion different interest groups you can join if you're interested. I don't really see the point in a fraternity.

  2. I suppose you mean those social type things that American colleges have. Or they may be what we call "Houses"in Australian schools, usually named after a sporting star or famous person or place. Usually about three or four in most schools that have them, and have rivalry in sports competitions, debating and so on, with the winning house getting a small trophy at the end of the year.

  3. Its not that we are opposed to them, its just that they are a very and singularly American concept.

    Basically, they don't exist as we see no need for them.

  4. i dont even get what frats are... seems like such an american thing.

    sorry i know that doesnt answers the question but... they seem stupid. they make me think of those gronks from the borat movie.

  5. Australians are not opposed to them, but the idea never caught on here, or if it did, it didn't last.  Australian universities have student unions, political, religious, car, science, literature, charitable and maybe even motorcycle and gardening clubs but not fraternities.

    Could be because a lot of Australian university students go to uni. in their home towns so they are not living on campus but at home with the parents.

  6. frats are either a place where college kids have "keggers?" and orgies, or groups of guys that worship some kind of demon or cult...hehe. arent they like campus housing but in a special way, like a group/house/selective club that if you get in, your obviously, by the knowledge i have we dont have them.

  7. From what I've read and seen in news items etc some of the hazing etc is extremely dangerous, demeaning and stupid.

    Of course, we normally only get to see the activities which make bad-news stories.

    I've heard some other stories about charity work and good deeds performed by members too. I like to think they are the majority of the activities.

    The idea of a fraternity or sorority has never really caught on here. I don't think people are opposed to them. There is just no interest in them.

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