
Are most people for or against g*y Marriages?

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Are most people for or against g*y Marriages?




  1. I am for it. They deserve to marry and be as miserable as straight people...HAHA... but seriously folks.....I am pro g*y rights and believe that g*y people should have the same rights as everyone else.

  2. im for g*y marriage.

  3. I think the only people who think about it at all are religious fundamentalists and people who are g*y.  Most people don't care AT ALL one way or the other.

  4. I really don't care and I don't understand why anyone else does. People need to mind their own business and leave people alone.

  5. Well, when they put it to the vote out in California a few years ago, something like 70% voted against it. And that's in California, where anything goes! I would say that in general, people are against it.

  6. I'd say it's probably pretty even. It really just depends on where you are. If your near the bible belt ( I have no idea where this is btw) I'd say most people are against it.

  7. Love is love... I don't think that two men or women getting married affects my marriage in any way. If God doesn't want them to be married, I am sure He will let them know when they die!

  8. Im against it. You cant even have kids the way people think. TThe world and people have become very very very strange and have gotten some weird ideas.They love ones of the same gender just to satify their pleasures. It should never be legal.EVER

  9. some things are just not anyones business. Who one falls in love with is one of them.

  10. Most people are against, because they're ignorant and dumb.

    I'm for it, because I will never willingly let myself be ignorant or dumb.

  11. i dont care because its not my life..if thats wut you want to do..then do it...and i like g*y guys...they're cool...haha...

  12. Most are against it.

    The key word is 'marriage'. Call it anything else but that.

  13. against hence why it's illegal in most states hence why so many people are ignorant.

  14. Who said you are married when you think you love man to man or women to women. you only married when he said i know pronounce you are huspand and wife.

  15. I'm all for it. It's legal here in Canada so that would imply that most other people here are too. I'm sure there are probably more people against it though.

  16. I'm For.  I think some people need to learn how to mind their own business and let others express themselves how they see fit.  If a couple is happy, faithful and loving to each other, what is so wrong with letting them have the same rights as any other married couple.  :o)

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