
Are most people on this site pro-life?

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I ask because every time I suggest abortion for a teenage pregnancy I get over 10 thumbs downs.




  1. Who knows?  I am pro choice myself.  I personally could not have an abortion, but don't feel it is my place (or should be the law) to make that choice for another person.

    That is a very personal and difficult choice to make, and it should be made by the mother and father of the child.  The sad thing is that usually the woman has to make the decision on her own.

  2. I am pro-choice but I also suggest abortion for teenage pregnancies. If they don't do it, not my problem. I am not the one raising the thing.  

  3. It astonishes me that so many people think they have a right to organise a woman's body and her life on her behalf, even if it's against her will.  If she wants a baby or doesn't want  a baby, it's her business.  Not mine, not yours, not the Pope's, not her parents'.

    It's her body. Nobody else's.

    If you agree that a 13 year-old girl raped by her diseased and insane father should be allowed an abortion, ( yes, it has happened and  you would be a monster to refuse ), so then you have to agree that abortion is generally permissible.

    Saying that the foetus's life is more important than the mother's is something you have to stick to in every case, if you really believe that. If you make an exception for one raped 13 year-old, you have already abandoned your case entirely.

    Either you support all foetuses or you don't.  You can't say one foetus has less right to life than another because of the circumstances of its conception.

    It's all or nothing.  You are human and sympathetic, or you are a monster.

    Or you recognise that a woman's life and body are her own to decide about, and that you have no right to have any say in the matter.

  4. not necessarily. Just expect to be bashed because people are about giving their opinions here.

  5. i think for teen pregnancy prolife should be denied only because the poor teenager who has made the stupid mistake of getting pregnant is gonna ruin the rest of her life, and she is probably gonna be a high school drop out.  But i think that if they decide to have the baby, they should give it to a family or a couple that is unable to have children due to biological reasons ( sort of like the thing in the movie juno)...

    that way the teenagers life isnt ruined and a couple who isnt able to have a baby can enjoy the beauty of life and raise a child.\

    that is my two cents

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