
Are most schools in california having their first day of school this week?

by  |  earlier

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I want to go shopping this weekend..




  1. i live in northern california and we start next wednesday.

    so i have one week left of freedom.

  2. i think most schools in the united state are having thier school this week

  3. i started today

    i live in cali

  4. nope!

    don't start for two more weeks!

  5. Most schools?  Well i live in California, and i'm in High school and all the highschools i know of don't start until september.  I do know that some colleges are starting though soon.

  6. 25th in where i stay !Texas!

  7. It depends on where you live. In Moreno Valley school starts this week. In LA school starts in September. Go shopping tomorrow.

  8. in 2 weeks here.

  9. no my school starts sept. 2

    i live in san diego

  10. I live in Cali and we start tomorrow. I know, way uncool but whatev

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