
Are most women who do pornography victims of sexual abuse?

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I used to watch pornography and I couldn't fathom how could any women allow herself to be degraded. Then I thought they had to go through some sexual abuse growing up which explains why their psyche is messed up.

I have listened to and read interviews of p**n stars and many related that they have been sexually abused. For instance, Jenna Jameson was gang raped in high school, Crissy Moran and belladonna were molested.




  1. Yes most are. They are because they feel they are a victim of s*x and therefore feel they have to conquer s*x in some way. I hope you understand what I mean by this.

  2. I think so. No one wants to be thought of or live a life that way!

  3. Some were molested, but I am sure others just enjoy s*x. Keep in mind, there are some that only have s*x with women, Janine Lindermulder...Also, there are a few that only have s*x with their boyfriends, Racquel Darrien is one.

    Most of the stars only work with a few guys, they don't have s*x with everyone.

  4. I don't know - You will have to ask them!

  5. Not all p**n is degrading and not all p**n stars were victimized as kids.

    And before the thumbs down comes let me say I am speaking the complete truth because I actually know some people in that line of work and not flash encounters. These were people who I've known since childhood and I know also that most of them enjoys the job.

    The ones who had been abused didnt choose that line of work because of what happened to them at a younger age. They choose it because it is what they wanted to do and would have made that decision regardless .

  6. I don't think so, a lot of these women make very good paychecks, that would otherwise be unattainable.

  7. Apparently so. In Female Chauvinist Pigs, Ariel Levy talked to people in the industry about this and they confirmed that the vast majority of p**n stars were victims of sexual abuse or rape. I can't recall the figures, I think the best estimate was either 80% or 90%.

    Edit: I found the page (180):

    "It's a cliche that bears repeating (and substantiating) that most women in the s*x industry have been victims of sexual abuse. Unfortunately it's difficult to find reliable statistics on this subject for two reasons: women in the s*x industry are often reluctant to talk to researchers because of the stigma - and, sometimes, laws - against what they do; and, in many of the studies that do exist, the researchers sound so irate it can be difficult to determine if they are biased extremists or if their outrage is simply the natural product of doing research in a field in which the findings are so frequently heartbreaking.

    Dr Melissa Farley, a psychologist and researcher [...] says that the vast majority of women in the s*x industry have experienced incest or other childhood sexual abuse. Estimates range from 65 to 90 percent, and she is inclined to believe the highest numbers, as are all the other experts I spoke with."

    Naturally, people (p**n apologists) don't like this conclusion. It makes the whole "they chose to do it" argument as irrelevant as a f**t in the wind.

  8. the fact that YOU cant understand their psyche doesnt mean its screwed up or anything wrong with them at all. also how is pornography degrading? because they use their body publicaly in sexual ways? your own opinions make you see this as degrading, what about the men, are they degraded by pornography?, where they victims of sexual abuse or do they have messed up psyches?.

    certinaly the nature of the job means there will be a higher incident of sexual abuse among p**n stars, this doesnt mean all of them are.

    please dont throw accusations of screwed psyches around its just annoying and offensive.

    note also find some stats on this.

  9. There are many of them who were molested or raped when they were younger and are viewing themselves as nothing and worthless until they are in front of the camera giving some kind of sexual stimulation. It's often in our society that girls and women are viewed as sexual tools and are usually treated or told they are just that. Though there are some who weren't molested or raped and who just find there artistic muse in s*x and the expression of it, no matter how degrading it looks to us.

  10. p**n is not sexual abuse, considering it's done at their consent, and they choose to do it for a living.

    As for girls being gang raped and stuff, that is sexual abuse, and can very well result in some women resorting to pornography as a source of income due to low self esteem.

  11. Probably there is a greater proportion of the p**n actor population who have been abused than the community average.

    There are also some, who for no reason, act out of a desire self abuse, also maybe to support a drug habit.

    I never use p**n, not since I first ever had the thought as a young man that there is undeniable tragedy behind pornography (way out of proportion compared to the general population)

  12. Yes, I took a class on Sexual Abuse and Women and my professor said that a very high percentage of women who are prostitutes and in the p**n business were raped or sexually abused as children or teenagers.

  13. Many of them were molested/raped as children, yes. Jenna Jameson, as you say, and Traci Lords, who was raped by her mother's boyfriend.

  14. Not necessarily.  I think that definitely has something to do with it but I think it has more to do with a broken home when the were young. That leads to low self worth/ self esteem and thus why not degrade yourself? In their opinion, they aren't worth much so sell their body.

    I can't fathom it myself. All I can think about is how no one in their life provided any guidance. It is very sad indeed. Imagine being a father of one. It makes me sick.

    I think p**n is #2 on my list of things that have ruined society. Feminism being #1.

  15. It may be possible, but I doubt it. These women make easy money and enjoy their careers. If the industry was that bad, they would have left a long time ago. Just like Cube said "life ant nothing but money and b*****s".

  16. A good amount were, but I don't know if ALL of them were.  

    Some say they truly enjoy what they do. From ONE point of view, I can see how it might be degrading BUT I can also see how it's empowering from the s*x positive perspective.

    They choose to do what they do, so I won't give them a hard time for that.   I once thought about becoming a p**n actress (yes, I was sexually abused and was exposed to p**n at a young age), but realized it wasn't for me.

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