
Are motor scooters safer to drive than motorcycles?

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Are motor scooters safer to drive than motorcycles?




  1. I'd say no, they are not any safer.  People in cars never see us anyways.  Though a motorcycle goes faster, you can still get hurt at 15mph.

  2. i've red a report that scooter accident is the most dangerous over all,and most of the drivers that make an accidents with scooters get a serious injuries,,good luck...

  3. Thats a good question. I mean, accdients are caused by irresponsible driving (of motorcycles),and of other cars that can't see you. Scooters are very very easy to control, and you arent very likely to have an accidental crash on one, but your still going to be at risk from the other cars around you.

  4. scooters....  new ones will do 100MPH...  so there not slow..

    & the difference between 100MPH on a scooter & 160MPH on a bike   .. when it goes wrong its still going to hurt...

    small wheels on a scooter are more likely to wash out & be affected by the road surface...

    but having ridden just about every sort of bike & scooter... theres not much between them...   cars run over them just as often...

  5. No they are about the same. The smaller wheels will not wash out. Some of these squids forget not every one wants to look like they are a racer all the time.

  6. I would say motorcycles are safer. Ive just got may CBT instructors licence and have taught many people to ride 50cc mopeds and 125cc motorcycles.

    If anything I would say that a 50cc scooter is much more dangerous as you don't really have much power there to get away from hazards! At least with with a 'proper' motorcycle you have got that extra power there to get out of hazards much quicker!

    Hope this helps

  7. No and they can be worse.  Everyone looks at an automatic scooter as, "Wow, I can do that.  It looks easy!"  85% of all moto crashes involve a car hitting the bike (car normally being at fault for not watching).  New scooterists drive them like bicycles, on the shoulders, ignoring stop signs, and on sidewalks.  This puts them at more risk.  Just think ahead and use your lane.

    Hope this helps!

  8. I have owned both motor scooters and motorcycles and they can both be very dangerous, However motor scooters do not go nearly as fast so the road rash when you do wipe out is not nearly as bad.

    With both other traffic is the biggest danger because all too often people don't see us cyclist and they pull out in front of us.

  9. depens on the driver.and it's harder for trucks to see them.But when you crash it's just as fast and hard as a bike.I'll say it's about even.the scooters are harder to see but slower and easy to control.And bikes are easyer to see and can turn more sharpy.

  10. I've ridden both.  There are advantages to both.  Scooters have a lower center of gravity and are easier to ride, and easier to learn to ride.  Motorcycles have a tank you can grip with your knees, which helps you hold on, and bigger wheels which are better on uneven surfaces

    But I think it all comes down to you, how safe -you- ride.  Scooters generally go slower, and are ridden mostly for transportation.  Motorcycles are more often ridden by 'testosterone poisoned' young men and are ridden mostly for recreation.   I think they're both inherently pretty safe, it's external factors that cause accidents.

  11. That is the general perception of the older ladies sitting at home who have never ridden a two wheeler before.  This image has been built up simply because they are more apealing to the eyes, don't make a loud sound and seem to have extra nooks and corners where the shopping can be stored.  Hence it looks more user friendly and also has some degree of weather protection against splashes down below.

    Riding them in a safe way is entirely upto the rider.  A good rider will be safe on a scooter or a motorcycle.  A bad rider will not be safer on a scooter.  If you feel having a smaller engine is a sure way to stay out of trouble, then YES they are safer.  Otherwise the brakes and handling of a motorcycle is definately superior.

  12. I have both, motorcycle Suzuki SV 650 and scooter Piaggio BV500. This is a maxi scooter and run very fast (100 mph). For me, scooter is much easy to ride because of lower center of gravity (eventhough my scooter is heavier than my motorcycle). Motorcycle have top weight, so harder to control, harder to turn and U turn, and very easy to tip over if not carefull. I love riding my maxi scooter more because very relax, not shifting, and I can pay more attention on the road. For my opinion, accidents hapen to the motorcyclist is 99% depend on the way their rid; always think you are invisible, look vehicles around all the time, scan ahead, do not speeding, do not need to be surprised, do not change lane to often if you do not need to, and the most important is respect people when you riding. Good luck.

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