
Are movies over exaggerating or...

by Guest57677  |  earlier

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is africa a really dangerous or would it be safe to live there if it were a small unbothered town. i mean dangerous as in people hurting other people not diseases and things like that.




  1. Africa is a huge place, it's a continent!

  2. Dont trust movies

    i am an egyptian

    in movies they appear to u that all egypt is sand and ppl are riding camels  and egyptians live in tents

    bla bla bla

    and egypt since 1900s and even before they live in bulidings and ride cars  normally as ppl all over the world

  3. Africa's a pretty big place, if you haven't noticed. Contrary to popular belief, there ARE big cities there. However, take a place like Darfur. The genocide.

    Do your research on wherever you want to live.

  4. Africa is an entire continent, not a country.  There are bad places that are unsafe and there are great places that are very safe.  Do your research and find a great place.

  5. Generally speaking, Africa is a poor continent and wherever there is poverty, there is crime.

    Some African countries are very dangerous like Nigeria, Somalia, parts of Sudan, Uganda, Chad and South Africa where you need to have some guard with you wherever you go.  

    Anyways, consult authorities in your country before you travel to any other country for general safety rules

  6. Africa is a continent, with big cities and tiny villages and everything in between.  

    The bigger cities and tourist destinations, in my experience, are less dangerous.  In Cairo there's a lot of police for the tourists' safety.  Are you talking about genocide, like Darfur, or are you just generally talking about whether big cities there are safe?  Most countries can't afford to have the bad PR of having anything happen to the tourists, but that doesn't mean that you take unnecessary risks.    

    There are certainly parts of Africa I'd go only in a group tour, but that applies to a number of places all over the world.  

  7. look movies always show the negative just to be solved and Egypt have many problems so most of movies discus that that's why you thought its dangerous but that's movies job or art in general in my opinion the art show the problems to the politician to solve thats why you see all problems but its safe country dont worry and you are welcome any time

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