
Are multi ethnic countries meant to die?

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im taking a short term course on regional studies & i have this (above)assignment to hand in.ive been thinking and re writing it over and over again and i have no proper answer,so some help will be appreciated.i did analyize several recent issues.but im still please help.and a little detail will help.this is urgent.





  1. Your job in this assignment is to argue a case, yes or no. The topic does not interest me. For starters, where is there a uni-ethnic community. Hitler pronounced that Germany had the master race, ignoring completely the case that it was the mixing ground for wave after wave of migrating Huns, Barbarians, Mongols etcetera that came through europe after setting off in the reaches of Siberia and moving westwards looking for greener pastures. Free countries to-day are willing to open their gates to allow ingress of peoples from disadvantaged countries which have been torn apart by war and social turmoil from within. My personal opinion is that a country has to be truly great to allow this to happen. Not all of its citizens would agree.Again, if a poll was taken, how many citizens of a free country would deserve the elevated social status they enjoy when they cannot even recognise it and are willing to do nothing to protect it? One percent if that!

    What do you think? Write it down. Here is an easy way to do your assignment. Ask questions. Learn these little gems off by heart and use them to write every paper:  Who? Why? Where? What? When?

    And -- How?

    Just make a question with each related to your topic. Start writing.

    You have already done the groundwork. Reframe it and express yourself. Use proper English. Use your spell checker so as you do not present mistakes. Do not make it hard on yourself. There is no such thing as the right answer. Your answer will be the right answer providing you start and finish. But the wrong answer will be the one that never gets written.

    Treat it as a fun job. Enjoy.

  2. First look I'd say no way! Most first world countries are having to adapt to growing flows of immigrants from different parts of the globe -namely neighbors and former colonies- which means -though unwillingly-  there will be a need for already multiethnic societies such as the USA to widen the umbrella, so to speak, and for non muliethnic ones such as France to introduce pluralist legislation.

    On the other hand, if you were thinking about Eastern Europe, or some places in Africa, where ethnic strife has been on the rise last couple of decades, that would be a different setting.

    Nevertheless, I would say that multiethnic countries are inevitable even in those regions because modern day communications systems foster leveling economic needs with economic wants. And though in such regions wants are so high that ethnic difference becomes the scapegoat of poverty, there is no end to poverty in ethnic cleansing. At the end this view will hopefully prevail.

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