
Are multi-vitamins considered as "herbal" medications?

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I am scheduled for cataract surgery in mid September and I was given instructions to suspend all "herbal" medications 2 weeks before the surgery. I take a multi-vitamin daily.




  1. 1)  An herb is a plant, period.  If there are no plants (or herbs) in your vitamins, then they are NOT herbal.  Herbs naturally contain vitamins and minerals.  Not all vitamins, however, contain herbs, altho' this is becoming more common every year.  (Vitamins do not naturally contain herbs; they are added to the formulation by the manufacturer.)  2)  You should divulge to your surgeon what vitamins you're on, and in what quantity.  Bringing the bottle with you to your appointments is a good way to deal with that issue.  It's at the surgeon's discretion whether or not to have you discontinue the vitamins.  3)  As far as I know, the only vitamins you really need to be concerned about as far as impacting the surgery is concerned are E and K, because they affect the clotting time of your blood.  Your doctor will again counsel you as to whether he or she wants you to temporarily discontinue with the multi or not.  Some surgeons are VERY conservative around this issue, and some are not.

  2. No, it's not. They're just that, supplementary vitamins. You get the same vitamins from what you eat.

  3. check the multi-vitamin container or prescription if you found anything beside vitamins like compounds which are from plants then don't take the multi-vitmins ...

    call your local pharmacist for more informations  

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